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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Help with JK 2 Level making. The tutorials aren't helping at all.
Help with JK 2 Level making. The tutorials aren't helping at all.
2005-04-10, 10:43 PM #1
Edit: I am also wondering how to make pipes.... I can make upwards facing pipes and turn them sideways.... but I'm sure there is another way to do it... in fact I'm positive. I read hte tut on how to curve a pipe... but most of the pictures are missing so it doesn't help to much. just a few questions... but the more I play around the more fun this is and the easier it gets. also please read the other edit

I also figured out how to import the old DF2 textures into jk2radiant redable textures.... I just can't get them to be recognized... its slightly annoying... can anyone help with that please.

thank you all for you help and patience

Edit: I'm wondering... does it count as cheating if I import the JKL levels into GTK or JK2 radiant and do all my work from there? I just did for the first level and now I need to work on models and such... I'm still just learning but I'm hopefully learning fast... can anyone help me figure out how to make plugins work got GTK though... they don't seem to want to.

also... whats the best way to import/make the old JK DF2 textures work in JA..... and such. thanks alot everyone

I'm starting to learn how to make levels in Jedi knight II.

I've read through and completed the first tutorial and made a simple box with a light and stuff.

I'm on the second tutorial.
Single-Player JO Maps, Part 1 : General Stuff

and I'm getting confused and really ****ing pissed.

// This will tell JO to load your map.

map nameofyourmap

How in the hell do I input this.... I copied and pasted the entire thing and then made it look like this


map Map

Then it tells me to do something with assets0.pk3

It tells me to extract something from it... but the thing doesn't tell me how.

Here is what it says.

Now you need to go in extract ui/ from assets1.pk3 to your project folder and open it up in Wordpad. Go down and find the following line:

uiScript startgame

I have opened the file with a hex editor... searched for searched for uiScript, script, ui, scri... etc... nothing ever comes up.

maybe I'm stupid but I can't seem to figure this out.

I also need to know what program is better. gtkradiant or jk2radiant.

I just need help. Go ahead and IM me on aim. my name is liftedplane. or msn or even Yahoo. liftedplane.

thanks anyone that can help.
2005-04-11, 9:21 AM #2
For the map part, make sure the map is in the base/maps folder.
Bring up your console and dont type in all the slashes. Just put in:

map mymap

What editor are you using? Sometimes, when I make a map and compile with GTKRadiant it doesnt make a bsp.

As for the PK3 part, you need to get a program called Pakscape ([url],[/url];24852, [url][/url]). It makes it easier to create and open PK3's. It will be easier to open up the PK3's from the base folder. In the PK3, youll find a folder called assets. Open it up and find a notepad document called

All it does it when you go into JK2 and hit start new game, it will load up the map you specify rather than the first level in the game.

If all fails reread the tutorial and search the Massassi tutorial section.

In my opinion JK2Radiant is better because you dont need to set up anyting (except the paths to the base folder). However if time is of the essense to you, get GTK because JK2Radiant takes more time to compile.

Hope it helps.
2005-04-11, 7:42 PM #3
GTKradiant is better than JK2raidant in almost every posssible way.

To bring up the console, you use the ~ and the shift key. Then type that in.

Let's go one step at a time: Did you compile your .map file?

Don't listen to Darth_biggs. He will confuse you.
2005-04-11, 11:20 PM #4
Originally posted by Echoman
GTKradiant is better than JK2raidant in almost every posssible way.

To bring up the console, you use the ~ and the shift key. Then type that in.

Let's go one step at a time: Did you compile your .map file?

Don't listen to Darth_biggs. He will confuse you.

Actually what he said made sense. I made the simple room that the tutorial told me to... and I could play it. I just wasn't sure how to pull a file from a large list of things. I did not know there was a program and the tutorial didn't make that very clear.

I now have GTKradiant 1.5.0 and jk2radiant... I'm not sure which I like better and I'm having trouble making doors... I want to learn as much as possible seeing as I want to use either the JO engine or the JA engine to remake some of my favorite JK levels... I want to see what I can do. I just need a little help :(

anyways. I will download the PK3 thing... and see if I can figure it out. but setting up the config file is still confusing. as well as how to make doors.

2005-04-12, 1:18 PM #5
Making a door is pretty easy.
All you have to do is make a brush that is going to be the door.
Select it and left-click and a list will appear. Choose func > func_door.

Now goto the top view and hit the 'n' key.
A small window should appear.
Now use the 8 buttons labeled '180', '90' etc to set up in which direction the door moves.
(A small arrow will show up on the brush itself)

Ill post some screenshots later.
2005-04-12, 5:27 PM #6
alright... what if I just want an opening? like... say in the very first JK DF2 lvl right before you get to the bar...

how do you just cut something out and make it stay.

and does anyone think it would be worth it. i just saw the Dark forces mod for Jedi academy... I think something like that for Jedi academy, only Dark forces 2 would be alot of fun. If I can ever learn to make lvls and mod I'd like to see if I could.
2005-04-14, 9:03 AM #7
I dont know what youre talking about. Do you mean just a doorway with no door?

*EDIT* Oh wait!! You have to use the CSG subtract tool. Im not really good at explaining it because i dont fully understand how it works. Somebody help me out here...*/EDIT*
2005-04-14, 10:21 AM #8
my friend told me NOT to use csg substract at all because its causing problems with compilation and makes some bugs in bsp process. i don't know why, don't ask me, but when i made not-so-big map, and i used csg substract and it compiled about half an hour. i made nearly the same map, but instead of csg substract i used clipper tool and manually created some parts of brushes and it compiled a lot faster.
2005-04-14, 11:09 AM #9
But I havent had any problems with CSG Subtract. And my maps compile at about the same rate as with clipping.
2005-04-14, 1:25 PM #10
Alright.... If CSG subtract isn't the best way then how do I clip it out?

I've been looking online for mod tutorials level making tutorials...
A few years ago, 1999 to be exact, I was getting into mod making. Alas, things got in the way and I never learned how to. I want to learn because I have some good ideas I just don't know what the hell I'm doing. If someone could point me in the right direction or maybe help me through it by telling me what programs to get and how to do some simple things I'll be able to learn... I just need help getting on my feet is all.
2005-04-14, 5:26 PM #11
First concentrate on mapping.

Modding usually requires coding, texturing, and mapping. Which is often done by several different people.
2005-04-14, 8:31 PM #12
Biggs makes a good point (I think). You shouldn't jump right into making mods. I think you need to learn alot of the basics before even handling a big project. Hang low for awhile on smaller things.
2005-04-14, 10:00 PM #13
what would smaller things consist of? making maps? I just want to get started learning so maybe someday I can say I did something :) or something like that...

anyways... do you know of any good level making tutorials I could look at?
2005-04-15, 4:26 AM #14
Pakscape is a useless waste. Winzip does everything it does better.

Read the radiant manual. It will teach you what clipping is. Stop looking for JO tutorials; there aren't any good ones. Just find some general Q3 archi ones.
2005-04-15, 7:05 AM #15
Originally posted by JM
Pakscape is a useless waste. Winzip does everything it does better.

Read the radiant manual. It will teach you what clipping is. Stop looking for JO tutorials; there aren't any good ones. Just find some general Q3 archi ones.

I don't think your ego has landed anywhere... At least not anywhere near the ground level.

There are many good tutorials for JO/JA. It's easy to tell there aren't any good ones as long as you haven't personally even tried to write one.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-04-15, 9:20 PM #16
no need to start fighting.... and how does Winzip do what Pakscape does? I think I need to reinstall winzip now... although I prefer WinRar alot more.
2005-04-16, 3:05 AM #17
pk3 packets are zip packets, with just the file name extension changed from .zip to .pk3. So, in that sense, you can create pk3s easily with winzip. In fact that's how I have always done it.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-04-16, 6:03 PM #18
There are many good tutorials for JO/JA. It's easy to tell there aren't any good ones as long as you haven't personally even tried to write one.

Okay; I was wrong. There are -some- good JO tutorials. But even so; they can't compare to a simple general Q3 archi tutorial. The ones on patch bending are particularly good.

The humor being that I wrote all of these, of course.
2005-04-17, 12:23 AM #19
Originally posted by JM
The humor being that I wrote all of these, of course.

I owe you an apology, I see. Sorry.

I guess it didn't occur to me that you would first write a bunch of tutorials and then tell there aren't any good tutorials.

Anyway, also hosts a nice bunch of tutorials, some of the advanced, a few of them more basic.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-04-17, 1:15 AM #20

I still think that remaking JK like they are for dark forces would be absolutely amazing... which is the biggest reason why I want to learn to make maps.

anyone heard anything about a new Jedi knight game?
2005-04-17, 10:48 PM #21
read the first post... and a few questions to anyone that may be able to help...

I used an importer to import the First JK level into Jedi outcast... I want to make this mod for Jedi Academy.... I was hoping I could simply move the map file into a GTK academy enviroment and it would look the same... when I did it looked like crap, the texture were not the problem seeing as there are no textures at all... the problem was the design... everything was squeezed and random parts were missing... is this a problem between JK2radiant and GTKradiant or is it the mapfile and the fact that it was imported for another game.... I think I may ask the peope who are doing the DF mod for some help.... but if anyone here can help it would be greatly appreciated
2005-04-19, 1:07 PM #22
You have to build it from scratch. JK's portal engine and Q3's BSP engine are fundamentally different. There is no conversion program that can do the job right.
2005-04-19, 6:20 PM #23
I decided to build it from scratch... now I just need some help from some random people who feel like taking on a large project... I'd like something similar to the DF mod....

thanks for the help everyone... now that I've actually started messing around with jk2radiant I'm starting to figure out random things. I'm just going to be patient in my learning.

2005-04-20, 2:31 PM #24
The very first thing you should do is ditch JORadiant. Go to [url][/url] and download gtkradiant. I cannot actually recommend the 5.x release as the last time I tried it (5.1, I believe) it was buggy as hell. 4.x is the latest stable release; 6.0 will be the next stable release. Unless you really need the latest and greatest features - and, as a begininer, you certainly don't - you want to stick with 4.x, until 6.0 is out.

Keep in mind that JORadiant is actually a slightly modified version of q3radiant, which was the first version of qeradiant to officially support q3 (it was a quake2 editor) used by ID way back in 97. gtkradiant far surpasses it.
2005-04-20, 2:39 PM #25
Edit: I am also wondering how to make pipes.... I can make upwards facing pipes and turn them sideways.... but I'm sure there is another way to do it... in fact I'm positive. I read hte tut on how to curve a pipe... but most of the pictures are missing so it doesn't help to much. just a few questions... but the more I play around the more fun this is and the easier it gets. also please read the other edit

If you are using patch meshes - no, there is not an easier way. Patches are always made facing 'up'. Just click the 90 degree x or y rotate button on the bar. As for bending them; select your patch mesh and press v. This is vertex editing mode. It's great for patches, but watch out when doing it on brushes - it's buggy as hell and tends to crash; so save often. If you play around with it, you should figure out how to bend a patch properly.

I also figured out how to import the old DF2 textures into jk2radiant redable textures.... I just can't get them to be recognized... its slightly annoying... can anyone help with that please.

Getting custom textures in radiant is easy. Save them as jpg or tga, and stick them in basexx/textures/nameofyourmap/. Make sure in radiant's texture menu you do NOT have 'shaderlist.txt only' selected. Do not take basexx literally. In q3, it's baseq3. In JO, it's basejo or something.
There are, however, other issues. Simply converting a JK texture is out of the question. It's blatantly illegal. Using them as temps is fine - but you shouldn't even post screen shots of them. Not to mention it'll look like crap.

Edit: I'm wondering... does it count as cheating if I import the JKL levels into GTK or JK2 radiant and do all my work from there? I just did for the first level and now I need to work on models and such... I'm still just learning but I'm hopefully learning fast... can anyone help me figure out how to make plugins work got GTK though... they don't seem to want to.

Cheating? No. Illegal? Probably. This would be the same as the textures, really. Also; the scale will probably be off, and nothing will be on the grid.
As for plugins - gtkradiant; if you've got 4.x and not 5.x; should come with some. Namely gensurf and bobtools - and, afaik, they don't work with 5.x (yet). Also; there aren't really any other good ones! :D
2005-04-20, 5:50 PM #26
Originally posted by JM
If you are using patch meshes - no, there is not an easier way. Patches are always made facing 'up'. Just click the 90 degree x or y rotate button on the bar. As for bending them; select your patch mesh and press v. This is vertex editing mode. It's great for patches, but watch out when doing it on brushes - it's buggy as hell and tends to crash; so save often. If you play around with it, you should figure out how to bend a patch properly.

Getting custom textures in radiant is easy. Save them as jpg or tga, and stick them in basexx/textures/nameofyourmap/. Make sure in radiant's texture menu you do NOT have 'shaderlist.txt only' selected. Do not take basexx literally. In q3, it's baseq3. In JO, it's basejo or something.
There are, however, other issues. Simply converting a JK texture is out of the question. It's blatantly illegal. Using them as temps is fine - but you shouldn't even post screen shots of them. Not to mention it'll look like crap.

Cheating? No. Illegal? Probably. This would be the same as the textures, really. Also; the scale will probably be off, and nothing will be on the grid.
As for plugins - gtkradiant; if you've got 4.x and not 5.x; should come with some. Namely gensurf and bobtools - and, afaik, they don't work with 5.x (yet). Also; there aren't really any other good ones! :D

Thank you very much... I have GTKradiant 1.5.1 and was trying to use it but as you said it was buggy and I didn't know it was not a stable release... I have GTKradiant 1.2 and 1.4 now for some reason... though I'm going to get rid of 1.2.... and 1.5. what are the biggest differences between jk2radiant and gtkradiant? do I need to learn everything over again... as for the textures... I am trying to find someone such as the person who is working on the DFmod textures to help me remake them... and a few map makers to help me make the first map. I've decided to start a mod life the DF mod... I just need to get to know the programs better is all.

take a look at the screen shots here.
Thanks again for all the help... I scrapped the idea of just taking the maps.... its fun to take some artistic license when remaking a level. go ahead and visit my other thread if you can or would like to help.

thank everyone... I never really thought you'd all be so helpful to a noob :D some bad experiences at the PSOC board...

anyways. thank everyone
2005-04-20, 6:50 PM #27
You may want to build somewhat bigger in JO. Also; don't be afraid to deviate from the original.
2005-04-20, 8:08 PM #28
thats a good idea.... I'm just thinking here getting to know the program and by remaking something legendary is a good way in my opinion. I think that after I get to know the program better I'll be remaking them.
2005-04-21, 12:35 AM #29
Bah.... another problem.

this one is probably me being stupid but I'm wondering. When I make say a box and I put on all the texture if one....

Gah... textures show through walls where the two walls touch.... its annoying.

I also can't figure out how to texture say one side of a sold bax that is as small as it can get without the whole thing taking the texture.... just one face is all I want to texture not the entire brush.. or do I have to make the thing bigger and split it up to do that?

if you don't understand what I'm saying I'll take some screen shots.
2005-04-21, 1:31 AM #30
<-- On df mod
working on level 4 terrain been inactive
2005-04-21, 5:28 PM #31
Shift+click - select brush
Shift+alt+click - select entire grouped entity
Shift+ctrl+click - select face
Shift+ctrl+alt+click - multi-select face
2005-04-21, 8:19 PM #32
may I have your babies now.... god I feel like a ****ing moron... thanks for helping me everyone.

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