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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Hello and ive got a mapping Prob
Hello and ive got a mapping Prob
2005-07-03, 12:56 AM #1
Hello I am new to the Forums but ive cum because i heard you were a Mapper clan! and was wondering if you could help me with a prob of mine :rolleyes:

I use jk2 Radient and a legal version of jk2

and ive made the map into bsp and the jpg file and the arena file and it displays it in the menu! but when i click to play it! it says Wrong version number gives a load of numbers and said it should be 1 can any one help me?:)
2005-07-03, 1:00 AM #2
Originally posted by SaberBoy
i heard you were a Mapper clan

You will die alone.
Snail Racing: 500 Posts Per Line
guys I think my snail is stuck
2005-07-03, 1:46 AM #3
Welcome to massassi. I think you would be better off posting this in the JA/JO editing section of massassi. But eh.......mapper clan?
666, The Number of the Beast.
664, The Bloke Next Door.
Matt Bonner, The Lebron Killer
2005-07-03, 2:27 AM #4
Originally posted by SaberBoy
but ive cum

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-07-03, 5:13 AM #5
Originally posted by SaberBoy
Hello I am new to the Forums but ive cum

because i heard you were a Mapper clan!

and was wondering if you could help me with a prob of mine


I use jk2 Radient

and a legal version of jk2

Red flag ahoy.
2005-07-03, 6:35 AM #6
Originally posted by SaberBoy
ive cum

Uh, we don't talk like that around here.

You can take your trash talk elsewhere.

Learn to spell, bud. Oh, to help your problem, I suggest you go to the mapping forums in such a place as []LucasForums[/URL] to consult people who can help troubleshoot. Very few people map for JO/JA at Massassi.
2005-07-03, 7:02 AM #7
Woah woah woah woah sweet child of mine, give the new guy a break!

Ok, what I think should may have possibly been said is something along the lines of...

"Beware the grammar Nazis, for they can be picky, and also be aware that the post you made should really have been put in the editing forum, but you're new here and you'll pick it up for next time."

Aside from that, hi, it's quite nice around here when people take their heads out from their arses.

/Didn't want to be a mini mod, but that little tirade just wound me up this morning.
2005-07-03, 7:08 AM #8
I think you guys should learn to spell as well.

It is not 'cum', the proper spelling is, in fact, 'come'. Believe it or not.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-07-03, 7:49 AM #9
Seriously, is it really *that* hard to notice there is a JO/JA editing forum?? I mean, it's not even hidden....
2005-07-03, 8:00 AM #10
He's new, just give him a damn break. So he made a mistake, no need to assault him for it.
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2005-07-03, 8:04 AM #11
But I fail to see how a person can miss the editing forums. :confused:
2005-07-03, 8:12 AM #12
Someone help this man. I would if I knew anything about JO/JA.
gbk is 50 probably

2005-07-03, 8:13 AM #13
Originally posted by bobafett765
He's new, just give him a damn break. So he made a mistake, no need to assault him for it.

Thanks, I was beginning to feel a wee bit isolated there...
2005-07-03, 9:07 AM #14
Originally posted by Martyn
Woah woah woah woah sweet child of mine, give the new guy a break!

Ok, what I think should may have possibly been said is something along the lines of...

"Beware the grammar Nazis, for they can be picky, and also be aware that the post you made should really have been put in the editing forum, but you're new here and you'll pick it up for next time."

Aside from that, hi, it's quite nice around here when people take their heads out from their arses.

/Didn't want to be a mini mod, but that little tirade just wound me up this morning.

Basically you summed up what I was going to say.

Guys, knock this off. Not everyone must type impeccably. Of the top four posts, three were about his typing. But, if you would, could you spell it as "come" The alternative has...different meanings.

*picks up thread can carries to editing forum*
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-07-03, 9:12 AM #15
I think the guy should been given a little slack. First post, and he even pointed out that the software he's using is legal. *cough*

On the other hand...

Pointing out that someone spelled the word "come" as "cum" doesn't seem enough to shout "GRAMMAR NAZI!" Now, if we were to run his post through a word processor and repost his message with the appropriate highlighting...
2005-07-03, 9:44 AM #16
i guess were a clan now? and people have heard of us?
I <3 Massassi
2005-07-03, 9:52 AM #17
Man Topics get Disscussed pretty fast here!

I know i am a Bad speller no need to point that out :rolleyes:

and sorry but i dont get the cum thing lol you mean u dont want short version of words lol Ive been told about that b4 I will try and break the habbit :D

and you should also know that i am not too good with Forums hence the mistake! forums have to be simple for me :em321:

sorry it I offended anyone and i take it your not all mappers lol but if anyone does know a possible answer to my Problem i would be very Greatfull :D
2005-07-03, 10:04 AM #18
Originally posted by SaberBoy

and sorry but i dont get the cum thing lol you mean u dont want short version of words lol

Um, no. :p

Anyway, I'm afraid I don't have the answer to your problem. LucasForums might, though.
2005-07-03, 10:14 AM #19
Post your arena file here.
2005-07-03, 10:31 AM #20
Maybe he meant "Crappy grammer for-Eva!" clan where he could use crappy non-understandable grammer?
2005-07-03, 10:57 AM #21
^^^ *slap*
2005-07-03, 11:22 AM #22
Dude I got to say Some of you are quite Rude :confused:
sorry but i mean, i just come on the Forum and you are Complaining about my WHOLE post :confused: Granted i made some mistakes but no need to be rude! :confused:
2005-07-03, 11:38 AM #23
What do you have in your .arena file?
2005-07-03, 2:33 PM #24
Originally posted by SaberBoy
Dude I got to say Some of you are quite Rude :confused:
sorry but i mean, i just come on the Forum and you are Complaining about my WHOLE post :confused: Granted i made some mistakes but no need to be rude! :confused:

Don't worry about it. I took care of the trouble maker. Anyway, carry on.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-07-03, 2:33 PM #25
This is the data that has made my arena i use one of those Auto make Arena files but here is the data ;)

map "Swordinthestone"

Longname "Sword In The Stone"

Fraglimit "0"

Type "ffa team"

and thats it! see any errors?

(and by the way i just found out that *cum could be taken another way sooo not sure what way but! sorry did not know hehe :D )
2005-07-03, 3:41 PM #26
How about setting the last line to "ffa team_ffa" ? Maybe the "_" might change it.

Did you make sure your .pk3 file is set up properly?
2005-07-04, 8:00 AM #27
Yes i did it Appears in the Game menu! just Has something to do with wrong Version number :/
2005-07-05, 5:44 AM #28
Ok, I want point out little thing. Your posts have more smilies than whatshisface Jackpot.

Afraid I can't help, I've never used "jk2 radiant" nor heard of it :S.
2005-07-05, 7:38 AM #29
what do yu guys use for mapping in that case? i know there is a GTK radient but JK radient is best for jediknight i find :)
2005-07-05, 10:47 AM #30
GTKRadiant is much better for Jedi outcast than JK2Radiant. Go fetch it, it is Jedi outcast supported.
2005-07-06, 12:35 AM #31
ok i shall have a look for it i think i may have already downloaded it ;)

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