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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → FX_rain FX_Snow and worldspawn music
FX_rain FX_Snow and worldspawn music
2005-08-28, 6:57 AM #1
HEy yall! I am relativley new but have learned a lot through the Richdiesal Tutorials. I followd the tutorial on creating rain and snow, I made a brush and covered it with a system\outside texture, then I placed an fx_rain within it, but alas, no rain!

Also when I add a music key to worldspawn, today I have been using this path to a .mp3 : music\t2_rogue\narshaada_action.mp3 . I load my map and there is no music either.

Any ideas?
2005-08-28, 3:16 PM #2
This might be inaccurate depending on one thing: JO or JA?
Richdiesel reccomends JK2Radiant, right? Make sure you're using GTKRadiant. If you are, props to you. :D
Some JA tips:
The GTKRad entity defs say fx_rain spawns it globally into the level. Whether that's true or not, I don't know...
For the music, try using t2_rogue\narshaada_action.mp3 for the path instead. Some entities need the full path from \base, others default to the folders.
Hope this helps...if your compter crashes, blame me. :rolleyes:
2005-08-28, 4:25 PM #3
What did you put as a "key" for the music?

Also, if this is for JA, check out this:
2005-08-28, 5:21 PM #4
I am now using GTK Radiant, but I have a little problem with it that I will get into later.

The music:
for worldspawn I am using the key 'music' with the value as the path, and for the path I have tried both, " music\t2_rogue\narshaada_action.mp3 " and "t2_rogue\narshaada_action.mp3" with both I get the error wjen playing 'unable to find "path" as explicit track or dynamic soundset?' i think it is.
It is interesting to note that this is the exact same path for the t2_rancor map that comes with the game, and when you run devmap on it there are no problems with the music track.

As far as the rain - I have tried designating the brush as a misc_weather_zone and an outside texture but still no rain. If only I could spawn a bunch of indians and get a ran dance going (im sure it could be arranged eh? lol)

Oh yeah as far as GTKRadiant, well its quick and stable and all, but the 3d view does not render correctly, I tell yah its almost as if the faces are inverted or something, they appear and disappear as the camera angle changes.

Update: Okay, intrestingly enough I tried this path for the music music/t2_rancor/rancor_action.mp3 and it now works...odd.

Just one lil question though. I notice in SP the music is miled until and NPC is spawned, is there anything in particular that would trigger that here.
2005-08-28, 6:06 PM #5
Ok. Let's solve the music mystery first. I got that track to work in a test map I made. Here's a screenshot. I suggest you post a screenshot of your worldspawn too.

(also use the latest stable version of the editor for JA editing. Version 1.4.0 I believe)
Attachment: 6979/music_thing.jpg (72,289 bytes)
2005-08-28, 7:10 PM #6
Oddly enough it works now , huh, here is what I have....

Still have the rain problem and the 3d view prob, enclosed is also my 3d view if ya care to take a look.
Attachment: 6981/Image4.jpg (16,783 bytes)
Attachment: 6982/gtkscreen.jpg (76,691 bytes)
2005-08-28, 7:29 PM #7
What GTK version do you have?
2005-08-28, 7:51 PM #8
I am running version 1.4.

OMG forward slashes, I have been using back slashes in my paths, hmm, ok . I also notice the SP missions rarely use a music key in worldspawn, especially those that have music schemes that alternate from 'explore' to 'action' etc, I am investigating this as this is what I want to happen.
2005-08-29, 6:47 AM #9
I have fixed the problem with the viewer by checking 'ATI Cards With Broken Drivers' under the 2dview preferences oddly enough this worked. Rain however, still does not...
Also when NPC's are spawned the music doesnt change to one of the action tracks, maybe I need to use soundsets instead? hmm.
2005-08-29, 9:46 AM #10
Change back whatever 3d view thing you did, that's just the cubic clip function.
Shot attached, just click the marked button.
The music is probably done by triggering a target_play_music entity. I'm not sure if the target_play_music will override any other music tracks, but it's worth trying.
Attachment: 6989/cubicclip.jpg (4,843 bytes)
2005-08-29, 3:27 PM #11
The problem is solved easily. Go to your preferences and enable the ATI Radeon bug fix.
2005-08-29, 6:27 PM #12
Here's an quick example map that has snow working properly (I hope). Open it up, save it as a .map file, look through it compile it, etc.
Attachment: 7002/ (2,009 bytes)
2005-08-30, 2:10 PM #13
Okay thank you, most helpful. And yah I think the music is done by play music and triggers. It seems complicated to me htough because I noticed the action music ceases in SP when all the enemies in a particular area are killed, I wonder if there is a flag or something, dont know...

Neway I have been addicted to this stuff lately and have been putting in about 8 hours a day at the displeasure of loved ones, any advice for a newly created map-addict? ;)
2005-08-30, 5:39 PM #14
Never submit your first map. Even though you might think it's cool, don't. (unless you have experience before with mapping)
2005-08-31, 1:56 PM #15
I found a much simpler way of doing dynamic music and it works, you just set a key in worldspawn of music and the a value of the music folder with the music set you want to play eg t2_rogue WITH NO PATH.

When enemies spawn the music will go to action theme and when they die it wil lgo to a normal theme. It is jsut like the soundset key.

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