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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Sky shader textures
Sky shader textures
2005-10-21, 1:50 PM #1
Hi again, I'm having trouble with my sky shaders again. This time though I don't think it is shader problem but a shader texture problem. The reason I say this is because once I compile my map and run it in the game I get the gray and white grid in the sky instead of my nice sky texture. Gtkradiant had no trouble finding the jpeg texture files, but for some reason the game does. Am I putting my texture folder in the right place? Right now I have my textures in two places, one is gamedata/base/textures/frozen/frozen_ft.jpeg, frozen_bk.jpeg...etc. And the other place I put them is in the assets0.Pk3 file. I also have some textures that I downloaded from the internet. I put these texture files in the same folders as my sky texture jepgs are (gamedata/base/textures/snow/mydownloadedtextures, and also in the assets0.Pk3 file), the only difference is that those texture files work and the sky textures don't. Having said that, maybe it is my shader file. Here is my shader file.


qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga
q3map_surfacelight 450
surfaceparm sky
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nomarks
skyparms textures/frozen/frozen 512 -

My shader file is located in gamedata/base/shaders/frozen.shader. Should I put it in the assets0.Pk3?
2005-10-21, 5:49 PM #2
Did you type in /sv_pure 0 in the console before going into the level? (if this is MP?)

You might want to not put files in and out of the assets .pk3 files.
2005-10-21, 6:35 PM #3
Thanks a lot echoman. Your suggestion worked. I'm just curious though, why do you need to type in sv_pure? :cool:
2005-10-21, 11:30 PM #4
It allows the game to load files that are not packaged in .pk3s in the base, I believe.
2005-10-23, 2:48 PM #5
The echoman is correct. If you want to distribute your level, you should create it's own pk3 so it can be played in an "pure" client. It's not too difficult. :D

Pure server = does not allow ANY content outside pk3 files.

Unpure server (99% of online servers) = allows content aside from the server files, and also allows un'pk3'd files to be used on clients.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-10-24, 1:13 PM #6
Echoman is insanely correct.

Oxyonagon is insanely correct.

And just for emphasis, always put your levels/files in separate .pk3s. Just in case you hadn't heard it enough already. :p
2005-10-24, 1:54 PM #7
This thread is going insanely insane.

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