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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → "the map has no nodes" error
"the map has no nodes" error
2005-11-20, 9:34 AM #1
i was making doors in my map in jk2 rad, sth went wrong, and ive cahnged all brushes to unknow class etenities. i realised that too late, when i saved n opened in gtk radiant (1.5). i ve sellected them and switched back to worldspawns, but now, when i try to load map i got "the map has no nodes" error. anybody know what can i do with it? i even dont know what r those "nodes"....
2005-11-20, 10:17 AM #2
Don't use JK2radiant. Use GTKradiant for JO. If you transfer stuff between editors, problems happen.

Try brush clean-up.
2005-11-20, 10:53 AM #3
sorry, but i dont understand... what should i do? o0

ive etntity-map and currently im trying to sellect all entity-bruches (sic!) and convert them to worldspawn. maybe ill miss this "node"

hmm, ive got 2 crashed maps.
1st is entity-map (all brushes r unknown class entities) and i get error" SP: worldspawn: first entity isnt wordlspawn"
2nd has entities converted n i get error "map has no nodes"

maybe u know what can i do with it?
2005-11-20, 3:21 PM #4
First, fix your grammar. It's hard to read what you write.

Second, how did you make your brushes into entities? "Entity-brushes"?? Like a func_group or func_door or something?
2005-11-21, 4:50 AM #5
i dont know :/
i was making doors... when i opened map with gtkrad, i saw that my doors are connected to the whole map :/ so probubly ive connected doors to map, and they've switched to entities...
2005-11-21, 5:11 AM #6
I'm not following. :confused:

When you opened your map in GTK, every regular brush turned into func_doors?
2005-11-21, 9:41 AM #7
it turned to unknown class entity, but probubly ive changed it in jk2 rad... i saw it in gtk, when it was to late to undo
2005-11-21, 11:13 AM #8
Start a new map and try to import the odd map into it. It could work. At least it has worked for some people getting the "map has no worldspawn" error message.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-11-22, 1:36 AM #9
IT WORKS!!!!!!!
TYVM :**********

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