I've been having a problem recently with compiling. The problem is that when Q3map2 gets to the light stage, it gets stuck at "setup trace nodes" in the light stage. It has the following error message: safe_malloc failed on allocation of 204996608 bytes. Is there any way I can get around this problem? My map is quite large on the outside which is exposed to the skybox which emitts light. Is there a way I can compile in pieces or with another compiler? I am using gtkradian 1.4.0. I've been compiling using "Q3Map2 (test)BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -filter," but what am I going to do when my map is finished, and I want better quality lighting...then I'll really be in trouble! Also, I heard that you can complile using something called "-lomem" for low memory, what is that and how can I use it?