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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Brushes Giving Off Light? o.0
Brushes Giving Off Light? o.0
2007-03-25, 12:42 PM #1
hey ive been looking through a few tutorials and stuff and have come across the referred to brushes giving off light. Something about if you create a brush with the texture of a light, it would give of light or something like that.

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2007-03-25, 12:42 PM #2
oh what i meant to ask is how do you do that or is it posible?
I regret to inform you...

2007-03-25, 12:48 PM #3
Yes. You need a special shader that gives off light. Here's an example shader I use for the texture to give off light.

	q3map_lightrgb	0.923506 0.935347 1.000000
	qer_editorimage	textures/MaDa/m_lightfixture1
	q3map_surfacelight	4580
	q3map_lightsubdivide	128
        map $lightmap
        map textures/MaDa/m_lightfixture1
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
        map textures/MaDa/m_lightfixture1
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

The lines that in bold give values to how the light is set. I use shader-based lighting more than regular entity lighting because it comes off more realistic (light comes from a surface looks better than some point in space).
2007-03-25, 12:56 PM #4
im not too familiar with shaders. So if i wanted to customize the shader you just displayed, what could i do to change it?
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2007-03-25, 12:58 PM #5
Well, for one, you need to change the paths to the texture you want to give off light.
2007-03-25, 1:17 PM #6
oh i see now... so i would create the shader file, then just put it in the shaders folder and it should operate on its own?
I regret to inform you...

2007-03-25, 3:13 PM #7
Yes and you would have to add the shader to the shaderlist and if everything points to the right files it should work.

2007-03-26, 5:03 AM #8
ok it works thanks guys
I regret to inform you...


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