Ok, its best to learn how to do it rather than have others do it for you. Oh no only 4 images in a post.......
Here's something I put together:
How To Create Doors and Rooms In Radiant
This was designed in GtkRadiant 1.4.0 but the same functions are in JK2.
First, lets begin with creating the door brush itself. Notice that when you press the numbers 1 - 9, when you make surfaces, you can make them in small, more detailed sizes or in large blocks.
Press 7, and press Ctrl-Tab to change views until the yellow text in the top left corner reads "XZ Front" Now, draw a brush 2x2 with the size set to 7. For example:
Now you can load up a textures folder and choose a texture for the door.
Now, press Alt-Tab until you get to YZ Side, and press 4. Now you can drag one edge of the door to make it thinner. Now to create the frame. Switch back to XZ Front and draw a rectange beside trhe door, around the same width, but taller than the door. Example:
Now draw another, identicle one on the other side:
(Tip: Duplicate brushes by pressing Spacebar, alot easier than altogether drawing new ones)
I regret to inform you...