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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Making Server
Making Server
2007-04-21, 11:16 PM #1
I have been playing Jedi academy for like a year now. I want to be able to create my own server like when you go to the multiplayer window then click join game. how do you create your own server that people all over the world can join?

also, how do i make my own maps? i want to be able to make maps, possibly with vehicles and cool stuff.

anyway thanks if you have any information.
2007-04-22, 8:46 AM #2

I'm not too sure about the multiplayer servers, I've never tried, but it would be best (if poosible) to use another PC to host these servers. That would make it a dedicated server, and is much faster. Or you could make one that you play in as well, although it would be slower. Like I said, I have no experience with this.

As for the map making, I'll tell you where to start.

Map making is very complicated and hard to begin with, but as you get used to it, it becomes very fun and easy. You need the program, first of all:

GtkRadiant 1.5.0: The actual map making program;62263

JK2 Editing Tools 1 and 2: Just some useful tools like modeling and scriping, and contains some components for Gtk.


And part 2:


Install these to your Jedi Outcast/Gamedata directory
Now, these tutorials will give you all the necessary help you need to get you started:


Although it is for JK2 Radiant, nevertheless it is a very helpful site.

Hope all that helped, if you have any more questions, ask them. :)
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-22, 10:07 AM #3
Your last link doesn't work. But here's the site:

Anyway, I would normally link to the GtKradiant's main site ([url][/url]) for easy downloading of the editor, but it seems to have gone down for issues of some kind?
2007-04-22, 2:47 PM #4
so i tried downloading them, and i realized that you all are on a pc. Im on a mac. i know that you can make maps on macs, but i dont know how. do you know anyone?
2007-04-22, 3:33 PM #5
Hmm. Now that's a pickle.

I know a Mac version of the editor exists. Unfortunately, [url][/url] is down otherwise I would be able to point to a usable version.

Here are some sites that could help:
2007-04-23, 5:37 AM #6
Yeah, redsaurus spent a lot of time figuring out GTK for Mac.

Also, making a map with 'vehicles and cool stuff'; why would you ruin any potentially cool stuff by adding vehicles? :B
2007-04-23, 3:08 PM #7
okay so now im working on getting the map making thing to work. i need my tiger cd for mac to get something called x11.

But now i have another question.

I figured out how to make my own online server. i never knew how before, but i now see that you just simply go to "create a game" :"advanced" :then press dedicated server till it says "internet.

so now i have created an online game, but i want to be in it. it brings me to the startup window thing that reminds me of the matrix and gives me a play by play of who died and what robots are saying what.

i have seen something online before where you type like "server 0" or something, and it will get you in your own game. can someone tell me what it is?
2007-04-24, 2:20 PM #8
You set it to 'not dedicated'.

It'll ruin your ping though, and anyone else's.
2007-04-24, 5:16 PM #9
what do i set to not dedicated? where is that setting?

ya okay so i got radiant to work, but i want to be able to save it into a map that i can use in jedi academy. I think it needs to be a .pk3 file or something. how to i compile this into this form, after ive made my map?

also, how do i make the spawn point? when i apple click on a spot and scroll down to worldspawn, it wont let me.

thanks for your patience
2007-04-24, 5:27 PM #10
Originally posted by laserk:
ya okay so i got radiant to work, but i want to be able to save it into a map that i can use in jedi academy. I think it needs to be a .pk3 file or something. how to i compile this into this form, after ive made my map?

also, how do i make the spawn point? when i apple click on a spot and scroll down to worldspawn, it wont let me.

I think you need to read some tutorials.
2007-04-24, 5:35 PM #11
As for the .pk3 file, you can compress them by using Pakscape...

Omg i tried to attach it. The popup said "your file of 102KB exceeds the limit of 100KB" .... :argh:

Here's the website to download it then: (hopefully this will be the right link for once.. :eek: );1327
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-24, 5:43 PM #12
Er, I don't think he even knows how to compile his map to .bsp
2007-04-24, 5:43 PM #13
As for the rest, as long as you save the .map file in JA/Gamedata/base/maps then when you compile it (Build) then you should be able to open up Jedi Academy, and open it up.

To do that, if you dont know, Press Shift + ` (little button above Tab) and type:

devmap name_of_your_map

By the way, don't use spaces when saving maps, it wont open.

Now, for the spawn point, RIGHT-CLICK on where you want the spawnpoint to be, and press info_player_start. Make sure its out in the open, not stuck in the floor or walls.
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-24, 5:45 PM #14
Uh ok.. At the top, (if you are using 1.5.0) press Build. If you want a fast build with the light automatically put in, then press BSP -meta.

Now what I do, instead of opening up the game and typing in all that, I go to Preferences, and on Build, i have "Run Engine After Compile" which does it all for you.
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-24, 11:18 PM #15
ya so i dont even know how to save it to .map or .bsp.

there are a few save options in the file menu

it has save, save as, and save region.

which do i use?
2007-04-24, 11:19 PM #16
and where do i save it to?
2007-04-25, 4:07 AM #17
Well, when you save it, just press "Save" and go to:

My Computer > Your Hard Drive > Program Files > Lucasarts > Gamedata > base > maps

Just save it there, and it should compile there and be playable there.

As for saving as a .bsp, thats not possible, you have to compile it. If you are using 1.4.0, then at the top, there is a menu that is titled "BSP", and if you are on 1.5.0, it is called "Build"

Both have the same values inside and heres what a few mean:

Q3Map2 (single) BSP -meta : It compiles your map and puts in the lights automatically. Never submit anything to Massassi or other sites compiled with this, the lights looks horrible and featureless.

Q3Map2 (single test) -light -faster : This compiles your map without using its own, featureless light. You ahve to put in your own lights (Right-click > Light) And they will show up on the level. This is used for testing maps later on when you are focused on the lights and shadows.

Q3Map2 (final) BSP -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -super2 -bounce8 : This is what you use for your FINAL outcome of your map. When you are at last ready to submit it for others to play, make sure you compile it with this. This process takes a loong time however, so don't use it for testing.
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-25, 10:18 AM #18
i thought it had to be a .pk3 file to play it in MP. right now its a .map
2007-04-25, 10:59 AM #19
.pk3 files are basically just for distributing the map and its resources.
2007-04-26, 12:11 AM #20
so in my base folder, i could either have a .map and it would work, a .pk3 and it would work, or a .bsp?
2007-04-26, 4:02 AM #21
I won't work with a .map file.

You need to reread the thread.
2007-04-26, 5:12 AM #22

The .map is the file that Radiant reads from when opening up the map you created, the game can not read it.

The .bsp is the actual file the game engine reads from. You can not open it in Radiant, only in the game.

.pk3's are basically .zip folders but the game engine can read from them. Use these when distributing your file to others. In this way, the person getting the .pk3 can just insert it into their Gamedata > base folder and it will work. If you didn't have a .pk3 file, for some of the larger maps the person would have to put the map in the maps folder, the scripts in the scripts folder and so on. .pk3's just make it alot easier.

So SAVE your map as a .map, COMPILE AND PLAY your map as a .bsp, and DISTRIBUTE AND UPLOAD YOUR MAP TO THE INTERNET with .pk3.

Whenever you are done your map, just make another thread and i can go over the details of .pk3 making with you.
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-26, 10:56 AM #23
Originally posted by Time2Die:
If you are using 1.4.0, then at the top, there is a menu that is titled "BSP", and if you are on 1.5.0, it is called "Build"

Eww. Don't use that. Standard compiles suck, use batch files.
2007-04-26, 12:02 PM #24
Batch files eh? Mind explaining what that is? :eek:
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-26, 3:18 PM #25

Download, install to C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\.

@"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\q3map2.exe" -v -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/JAEDIT/GameData/" -meta %1
@"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\q3map2.exe" -v -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/JAEDIT/GameData/" -vis %1
@"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\q3map2.exe" -v -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/JAEDIT/GameData/" -light -fast -samples 3 -patchshadows -dirty -bounce 8 -bouncescale 1.4 -gamma 1.8 %1

Save that in your base/maps/ folder as compile.bat (use notepad, and be sure not to save as compile.bat.txt). Drag-and-drop any map files, the compiler will pop up and do its thing.

Change the 'C:/JAEDIT/GameData/' to the correct folder on your harddrive. Same with the path to q3map2.exe if you used a differeent drive. Assuming you, for whatever reason, would want to still edit Jedi Outcast - despite the technological advancements in Jedi Academy-, replace the '-game ja' switches with '-game jk2'.

EDIT: The above is a FINAL compile. Here's a batch file for a test map;
@"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\q3map2.exe" -v -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/JAEDIT/GameData/" -meta %1
@"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\q3map2.exe" -v -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/JAEDIT/GameData/" -vis %1
@"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\q3map2.exe" -v -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/JAEDIT/GameData/" -light -fast  -patchshadows -gamma 1.8 %1
2007-04-27, 6:27 AM #26
Well I did all that, and i put the files from the zip you told me to download into C:\ Program Files\Gtk Radiant-1.4 and i treid to open up q3map2 and it came up with an error.

Usage: C:/.....Gtk Radiant-1.4\q3map2 [general options][options] mapfile

And I DO edit Jedi Outcast, only because my computer can not support Jedi Academy.

How does this compiler differ from the one in the editor?
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-27, 4:25 PM #27
You ran the compiler. You're supposed to run the batch file.

And the latest q3map2, with this compile, looks better, will save you time and generally doesn't suck.
2007-04-28, 8:12 AM #28
Uhm ok lets go over this again.

I downloaded the file you told me to. I put the contents of that .zip file into C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant-1.4 (Would 1.5 work as well?) So that means that I put the actual FILES in there, or the folder witht he files in it?

Then... where is the batch file? Can you tell me the name of it for example because all it has is an .exe, a .gif and a lot of application extensions.

Sorry if I'm acting like a n00b, I never really downloaded anything extra for Gtk before.

(By the way, I got Jedi Academy... I'll try to make it work again)
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-28, 10:20 AM #29
Originally posted by Verticae:
Eww. Don't use that. Standard compiles suck, use batch files.

Any by the way, the guy doesnt even know how to standard compile, i dont think he'll understand batch files...
I regret to inform you...

2007-04-28, 4:09 PM #30
Er, don't worry yourself with compilng with batch files now. Probably down the road, you might need them. But if you are just learning, it's not essential.
2007-04-29, 5:20 PM #31
this is pissing me off. i cant figure out howto do this. ive made my map into like all sorts of different types. ive got .map, .bsp, .lin, .bak, .pk3.

none of them work in my base folder. when i open up JA mp, and press create a game, my map is not on the list. plus i try the console thing with the devmap, but it doesnt work.
2007-04-29, 5:39 PM #32
I'm guessing you are just changing the file extension? Or something.

You need to compile your map in the editor. Then you would have a .bsp file in your base/maps, if your editor's paths point correctly.

I seriously think you need to check out some tutorials.

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