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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Skyboxes
2007-05-18, 2:02 PM #1
I have read many tutorials on how to create skyboxes, and none of them have worked out.

Can anyone tell me what script to use, or a tutorial that works?

My six skybox textures are:


And my map name is battlefieldv3.
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-18, 2:13 PM #2
And your shader file is?
2007-05-18, 4:02 PM #3
Uhm.. the contents of the shader file is what I'm looking for... but its name is battlefieldv3.SHADER
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-18, 4:57 PM #4
Look at skies.shader file that came with the game.

It comes with added instructions.
2007-05-19, 4:27 PM #5
Still having problems...
This is the current shader I'm using:


    qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky
    q3map_lightRGB 1.000000 0.000000 0.571000
    q3map_skylight 150 6
    surfaceparm nomarks
    surfaceparm sky
    surfaceparm noimpact
    surfaceparm nodlight
    q3map_lightmapFilterRadius 0 8
    q3map_sunExt 1.000000 0.000000 0.571000 250 50 50 3 2
    skyParms textures/skies/battlefield 1024 -
My six sky textures are in textures/skies and are named correctly:

ect, ect.

I load up the game after making a skybox and it tells me:

Warning: Couldn't find the image for shader textures/battlefield/battlefield

What am I doing wrong? I didn't point the shader at textures/battlefield!
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-20, 5:57 AM #6
Try this.

    qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky
    q3map_lightRGB 1.000000 0.000000 0.571000
    q3map_skylight 150 6
    surfaceparm nomarks
    surfaceparm sky
    surfaceparm noimpact
    surfaceparm nodlight
    q3map_lightmapFilterRadius 0 8
    q3map_sunExt 1.000000 0.000000 0.571000 250 50 50 3 2
        textures/skies/battlefield 1024 -

Now make a folder in /textures named battlefield and throw all your sky images in there. Then change the red parts to "textures/battlefield/battlefield"

By using a folder that was made for the game and using a shader that originally wrote by the developers could cause conflicts with your resources.
2007-05-20, 9:01 AM #7
Well, the game has no problem with the shader, but I think the textures are wrong. They are 1024x1024, and according to a tutorial I read on Map-Craft, should be compatable.

But I was confused with that, because aren't the sky textures that come with JA smaller in size? Also, the _dn texture seems to be very small.

What I used to do with textures I wanted custom made would be to take an existing texture, open it up with Photoshop, copy and paste what I want onto it, and save it as the same size, but a different name.

Should I do the same here? Or should the .jpg be a different format? (Progressive, Baseline)
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-20, 9:18 AM #8
But did the sky look right ingame? 1024x1024, I believe, is the max high as it can go. Smaller is fine, but the resolution won't be as great. It can go as lower that 256x 256, but that looks terrible.

Don't turn your .jpg files into progressive, unless you want GTKradiant not load them.
2007-05-20, 9:31 AM #9
They don't look like anything, really, just grey all around.
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-20, 9:39 AM #10
Did the game state that it couldn't find the sky textures? Because it seems like it. I think we need to review what's going on:

1- Where are the sky image files now? What is the name of the folder?
2- What does your shader file say now? Where is the shader now?
3- Is the editor finding the sky shader?
4- Are you using SV_Pure 0 before you start the game (if this is Multiplayer)?
2007-05-20, 9:48 AM #11
Nope, when I opened up the console, there were no errors.

1- They are in textures/battlefield
2- The shader is located in base/shaders, and it is entered in shaderlist.txt

    qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky
    q3map_lightRGB 1.000000 0.000000 0.571000
    q3map_skylight 150 6
    surfaceparm nomarks
    surfaceparm sky
    surfaceparm noimpact
    surfaceparm nodlight
    q3map_lightmapFilterRadius 0 8
    q3map_sunExt 1.000000 0.000000 0.571000 250 50 50 3 2
    skyParms textures/battlefield/battlefield 1024 -

3- Yes, GtkRadiant is showing the bluish-white sky shader on the skybox.
4- This isn't Multiplayer, but I have BSP Monitoring on, so it automatically devmaps and sv_pure 0's after compile.
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-20, 1:45 PM #12
r_fastsky 0
2007-05-20, 3:21 PM #13
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-20, 5:12 PM #14
He means you might be on "fast sky mode" ingame, which turns your sky into one color.

Open console when you are ingame, and type in that command.
2007-05-22, 11:11 AM #15

Exclusive link to my never before seen mod
2007-05-22, 3:49 PM #16
Hey thanks it worked.


Exclusive link to my never before seen mod

Sorta random...[/QUOTE]
I regret to inform you...

2007-05-22, 6:51 PM #17
Ive been trying to get people to downlaod it. Did you?
2007-05-23, 3:27 AM #18
Stop spamming the link, or I'm getting an admin to delete it all.
2007-07-23, 5:20 PM #19
omg may someone plz send me the gundam mod weapons

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