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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → I need help with spawn point in new terrain map
I need help with spawn point in new terrain map
2008-06-25, 5:18 PM #1
Hello everyone, I have finally made my own terrain and actually got it to appear in GTK Radient 1.4 but I am unable to get a spawn point to show up in the map. It first appears as a clear red box but when I hit escape, it disappears. It shows in the entity list. I also get the no shader found but I am willing to manually caulk and texturize all surfaces. Can anyone provide any insight to my problem. I have been following the tutorial EasyGen Terrain [/COLOR][/B]
2006-11-10 08:10:17 [/COLOR]

Any help woul be appreciated. Thanks in advance

2008-06-26, 11:05 AM #2
I'm not sure what EasyGen tutorial you are using.

As for the spawning problem, what are you using to spawn the player? info_player_start? It shouldn't be a "clear" and it shouldn't be a square box. It should be red (like you said) and a rectangular slab.

If EasyGen is providing you with the spawn point, get rid of it and create your own. How are you including the spawn point in the editor? I go to the main editing window, hit the right mouse button, go to info -> info_player_start.
2008-06-27, 6:45 PM #3
Well I am using gtk 1.4 and easygen 1.42. I decided to start over using dath moosies tutorial and i got it to work. Problem, missing the terrain. I got the grey/white checker instead but I did spawn inside the map so progress is being made. I am using the common/lrock2.png, colored red and converted to a jpeg. It is in my base/texture/mymap folder. in my texture list (where i would select it from), the base terrain shader is missing *red/black" shader image missing shows up instead. I has got to be something simple or overlooked. Any ideas? here is my shader

q3map_lightmapaxis z
q3map_tcGen ivector ( 512 0 0 ) ( 0 512 0 )
q3map_baseshader textures/cath/terrain_base
qer_editorimage textures/cath/redrockjpg.jpg
map textures/cath/redrockjpg.jpg
map $lightmap
q3map_baseshader textures/cath/terrain_base
qer_editorimage textures/cath/muf_dn.jpg
map textures/cath/muf_dn.jpg
map $lightmap
q3map_baseshader textures/cath/terrain_base
qer_editorimage textures/cath/redrockjpg.jpg
map textures/cath/redrockjpg.jpg
map textures/cath/muf_dn.jpg
alphaGen vertex
map $lightmap

Thanks for any help

2008-06-29, 6:43 PM #4
It boils down to this really: EasyGen is outdated. Very outdated.

Over the years, people tried EasyGen to get it work with JA. I don't think the majority of them succeeded. It wasn't created with JA in mind, and the shaders it produces are filled with potential problems. Instead, people just throw out the shader and just hand texture each of the surface triangles. You lose the blending aspect that way, but eh, it's easier than fumbling around with EasyGen's exported files.

If you want to continue with EasyGen, the first issue to remember it to add whatever shader name to your shaderlist.txt in your /shader folder.

If you are advanced enough, you can try something like what is discribed here: . You have to be good with shaders but it produces better results than EasyGen.

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