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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Okay I really need this answered if possible :(
Okay I really need this answered if possible :(
2008-09-24, 2:05 PM #1
I have two things I simply don't know how to make in ICARUS.
1) How to take control away from the player, and make him perform scripted animations (in this case, climbing a ladder and crawling forward). Note: I found all the animations I need in BehavEd, the problem is actually making the player perform them.
2) How to make the player actually speak in-game, like when you enter an area he says something, like what would happen in vanilla JA.

Plix plix plox? :neckbeard:
2008-09-24, 2:07 PM #2
1) You can't. Unless its a cutscene.

2.) Use a sound entity. The way the camera is positioned you can't see if the guy is really moving his lips.
2008-09-24, 3:08 PM #3
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
1) You can't. Unless its a cutscene.

2.) Use a sound entity. The way the camera is positioned you can't see if the guy is really moving his lips.

I am using it in a cutscene.

Ah, so what I should do is, start the cutscene, and create an NPC that looks like the playermodel, and then make that NPC do the animations? Hmm... am I right? So now what I want to know is, how do I teleport the real player to the proper location?
2008-09-24, 4:03 PM #4
Look for the teleport entity. There is one.

The model in cutscenes is not the player. It's a doppelganger to play out scripts. You can't control the player's action directly with scripts.
2008-09-24, 4:24 PM #5
Alright I've been trying this for ages and I still can't get it to work. It's really bugging me, and I'm at the point where I need to ask someone just how exactly I can lay this damn thing out. Here's what I want to happen:

The NPC (we'll call him bob) is set to look like the player and all, and spawns in another room. What I want to happen is, the camera starts working (I have all of that working), and bob does this: He looks up at a target, looks back down, moves forward to the ladder, then climbs the ladder to the top where he crouches down and crawls forward until he drops out of the grate. At this point the camera swings around and looks at him, then fades out. As the camera has faded out, bob is removed and the player is put in his place and play resumes. Thanks for all your help so far, this is the last thing I ask of you. :)
2008-09-24, 7:04 PM #6
Never mind, i found a workaround

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