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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → So I'm trying to have some fun skinning, right?
So I'm trying to have some fun skinning, right?
2009-01-08, 11:19 PM #1
Right. Well, you see, there's one problem. These Twi'leks just won't work correctly. It's like they hate me deep down inside because I was rude to them on my third playthrough of Knights of the Old Republic. But in truth, it has something to do with the transparent .png files. Whenever I make any slight alteration to them, I get errors all up in the face, all blotchy, and sometimes making the Twi'lek models I'm altering look like they have half a white beard. So what I want to know is how to go about editing these .png files without causing this to happen (note: change those **** to a certain four letter word as I'm too lazy to upload again).

Some of the things I made did not come out very pretty.

And yeah, I know this is an old game, but you know what? Sometimes I get a kick out of playing it. It's just that this time, the lady and I took it upon myself to update some of the textures ourselves (as evident here).

Oh, and yeah, posting this under a different name. Some of you might vaguely remember Yoshimi. She's my cousin who was cool but went off to Texas and became some boring scene chick. Who knows what she's doing, but I don't care. But that's okay because I still bring the funk.

Anyway, thanks for the help.
Do not fire!
2009-01-09, 7:12 AM #2
Have you tried using the skins as .tga instead of .png? .tga can do transparencies.
I don't recall many people using .png for skinning, it's either usually .jpg or .tga filetypes.
2009-01-09, 12:20 PM #3
Sure did. The texture came out a bit... blockier than I expected. And that's weird. The files are in a .png format when I pull them out from the assets.
Do not fire!
2009-01-09, 3:30 PM #4
Just to clarify:

-Did you load the skin up in the game? Sometimes what is viewed in ModView is different than what is seen in JA.

-Most skins are .jpg files in JA. I'm not exactly sure what you got there. If I venture to guess, its the multiple "skin colors" and changeable qualities of a SP character (remember you can choose your skin in SP to make him/her unique?).

-Certain transparencies require an alpha channel texture for it to work. So a shader might be involved as well.

So I guess the most important question is where is this file in JA?
2009-01-10, 6:22 AM #5
I remember you. Well, both of you really.

(... yeah, helpful)
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