Mens Health
I follow many of their routines.
Anyways, I dedicate one day each week to intense training of specific parts. On these days I will work a part, and then work their opposite or complement muscles. For example:
Monday: I do arms on Mondays. I will do a set of bicep curls, and immediatley hit the tricept extensions. After I do the two excercised back to back, I wait one minute, and do it again. I will do this 3 times.
After that I will do 2-3 other bicep-tricep combination excerices.
After all that I will a Crunch-Hyper Extension combo. 1 set of crunches, followed my hyper extensions, and then rest 1 min. Hit it again 2 more times.
Tuesday: Tuesday is the day I work my chest and my upper back region.
I will do dumb bell bench press, and then some lateral pull downs. Like above, I will do these back to back, then rest 1 minute, and then do two more sets.
Next I may do incline or decline bench press cause they work other parts of your pectorial area. The complement excercise may be Bent over Rows.
Tuesdays I also rest the abs and the lower back because you should always give your muscles 1-2 days of rest. Instead I will do either the Stair Master or just jog a mile. Just keeps your body loose, and helps shed some fat, and some of that leg fat too
Wednesday: If you choose can do leg excercise this day. No need to do complement excericise, you can just do your standard leg curls, sqauts and walking lungs. If you arent worried about your legs or anything, you can do your Shoulders on Wednesay. Do your normal push press, lateral pull ups ( i think that is what they are called). Also, start your ab excerices again.
THursday: Do Monday
Friday: Do Tueday, and anything else you feel you didnt cover before. Also do abs again.
Some notes:
Every excercise should be 3 sets at 8-12 reps.
If you are workiing out by yourself, you can use some machines to help you do heavier weights just so the machine can help spot you. Though, free weights have proven to increase preformance because they for your body to become balanced and stablized.
If you are just beginning, do enough weight so you can do each excercise for 3 sets at at least 10 reps. As you get more used to it you can do things such as starting out with lower weight for your first set and doing about 10 reps, then uping the weight for your second set to a point where you can only do 5 reps of that weight, and then going down to a higher weight for you last set where you may only be able to do 2-3 reps.
There is so much, but these are some basic stuff. Hope it helps.
ALSO Remeber to drink up a lot of water. You should drink an ounce of water for all the weight you loose in one day or something. Work out at least an hour..if you get out sooner then that, you havent dont anything.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace
10/7/85 - 12/9/03
[This message has been edited by Ubuu (edited January 24, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Ubuu (edited January 24, 2004).]
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace
10/7/85 - 12/9/03