God forbid we try to do anything to boost our economy because it might hurt the cute little seals! I mean while were at it why not stop farming cattle I mean their so cute with their black and white spots. Oh just for the hell of it why don't we all go veggy so we can save all the cute little animals. Its not like were killing them for no purpose! Articles like this just piss me off incredibly because I mean what kind of animal do you expect to be killing up north... hmmmm.... let me think... maybe northern animals like... SEALS! Oh but I'm sorry their too cute forget the fact people may be living off them... while were at it I purpose we save the fish too I mean haven't you seen Finding Nemo! THOSE FISH HAVE LIVES TOO!
So what do you think of this?
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The Humane Society now has taken out full-page newspaper ads urging Americans to consider canceling trips to Canada and boycotting Canadian products. In the Senate, Carl Levin, D-Mich., introduced a resolution demanding that the hunt cease. And at this month's Sundance Film Festival, Paris Hilton posed in an anti-hunt sweatshirt — "Club Sandwiches, Not Seals" — and signed a protest letter to the Canadian Embassy.</font>
God forbid we try to do anything to boost our economy because it might hurt the cute little seals! I mean while were at it why not stop farming cattle I mean their so cute with their black and white spots. Oh just for the hell of it why don't we all go veggy so we can save all the cute little animals. Its not like were killing them for no purpose! Articles like this just piss me off incredibly because I mean what kind of animal do you expect to be killing up north... hmmmm.... let me think... maybe northern animals like... SEALS! Oh but I'm sorry their too cute forget the fact people may be living off them... while were at it I purpose we save the fish too I mean haven't you seen Finding Nemo! THOSE FISH HAVE LIVES TOO!
So what do you think of this?
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>