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ForumsDiscussion Forum → This article is beyond ****en ridiculous!
This article is beyond ****en ridiculous!
2004-01-29, 1:46 AM #1

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The Humane Society now has taken out full-page newspaper ads urging Americans to consider canceling trips to Canada and boycotting Canadian products. In the Senate, Carl Levin, D-Mich., introduced a resolution demanding that the hunt cease. And at this month's Sundance Film Festival, Paris Hilton posed in an anti-hunt sweatshirt — "Club Sandwiches, Not Seals" — and signed a protest letter to the Canadian Embassy.</font>

God forbid we try to do anything to boost our economy because it might hurt the cute little seals! I mean while were at it why not stop farming cattle I mean their so cute with their black and white spots. Oh just for the hell of it why don't we all go veggy so we can save all the cute little animals. Its not like were killing them for no purpose! Articles like this just piss me off incredibly because I mean what kind of animal do you expect to be killing up north... hmmmm.... let me think... maybe northern animals like... SEALS! Oh but I'm sorry their too cute forget the fact people may be living off them... while were at it I purpose we save the fish too I mean haven't you seen Finding Nemo! THOSE FISH HAVE LIVES TOO!

So what do you think of this?

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>
2004-01-29, 1:47 AM #2
Wasn't Paris Hilton in some porn video?

Shut up. I'm GOING to do this whether you like it or not.
2004-01-29, 1:52 AM #3
Yup... which of course proves that we should really be paying attention to what she says. []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>
2004-01-29, 1:57 AM #4
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">... said Steven Outhouse of Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans.</font>

hee hee.

Yes, I know, I'm immature []

"With Great power comes great Responibility. Seems like the converse should be true as well. Now where the heck is my great Power?"
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2004-01-29, 2:11 AM #5
Heh, sandwiches not seals...

Oh, and I agree with them.

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-01-29, 2:14 AM #6
Hey, Canada doesn't get on your back about kangaroos and digeridoos and whatever else you people hunt down there.

So step off.

Shut up. I'm GOING to do this whether you like it or not.

[This message has been edited by Tracer (edited January 29, 2004).]
2004-01-29, 2:15 AM #7
I'm generally against the killing of any animal solely for vanity (ie, furs). Does anyone eat seal in Canada?

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2004-01-29, 2:16 AM #8
Yes, the Inuit. Furthermore, for many on the east coast, fishing and hunting is a way of life. It's how they make their living.

Shut up. I'm GOING to do this whether you like it or not.

[This message has been edited by Tracer (edited January 29, 2004).]
2004-01-29, 2:24 AM #9
Lot's of people make money killing people with cigarettes too. Do I blame the factory workers and truck drivers? No, but does that make it ok?

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

[This message has been edited by CygnusX (edited January 29, 2004).]
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2004-01-29, 2:31 AM #10
[Okay, I changed my mind. If 30 Helens can agree to disagree, then so can I.]

Shut up. I'm GOING to do this whether you like it or not.

[This message has been edited by Tracer (edited January 29, 2004).]
2004-01-29, 4:14 AM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Tracer:
Hey, Canada doesn't get on your back about kangaroos and digeridoos and whatever else you people hunt down there.

So step off.

Excuse me for having an opinion. And an educated one at that, unlike yours.

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.

[This message has been edited by Spork (edited January 29, 2004).]
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-01-29, 5:49 AM #12
Fine, then, Spork. What about the cute little bunny rabbits?! HUH?!

Paris Hilton speaks for animal rights' Reminds me of the time Pamela Anderson protested against the use of drugs on chickens that made them feel top-heavy. Spoke from personal exeperience, I guess.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-01-29, 6:04 AM #13
I think there is a point to eating animals.

But I think, at least in our society, there is little need to butcher animals for their hide or fur alone (with the exception of leathers, etc., since we butcher thousands of such animals everyday for food, and it's better to use the hide rather than toss it). There's no need to kill an animal for vanity, or to kill more of an species than would actually be eaten.

The word is moderation.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2004-01-29, 7:04 AM #14
The point to eating animals is that you don't get stronger if you don't eat souls.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
thanks for the all your <3 are belong to somebody set up us the 1337 swank OWNED
2004-01-29, 8:20 AM #15
I eat seal, rabbit, fish, pork, beef, deer, got a problem?

(I don't "club" them)

Massassian since: March 12, 2001

[=-"The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does;
Even if you murdered or robbed, years wrong, but God loves;
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you;
Even when all else fail, God supports you." - Nas

[This message has been edited by Sol (edited January 29, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Sol (edited January 29, 2004).]
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2004-01-29, 8:37 AM #16
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MechWarrior:

God forbid we try to do anything to boost our economy because it might hurt the cute little seals! I mean while were at it why not stop farming cattle I mean their so cute with their black and white spots. Oh just for the hell of it why don't we all go veggy so we can save all the cute little animals. Its not like were killing them for no purpose! Articles like this just piss me off incredibly because I mean what kind of animal do you expect to be killing up north... hmmmm.... let me think... maybe northern animals like... SEALS! Oh but I'm sorry their too cute forget the fact people may be living off them... while were at it I purpose we save the fish too I mean haven't you seen Finding Nemo! THOSE FISH HAVE LIVES TOO!

So what do you think of this?


Here here mech warrior, Me thinks people should just back off our life style... And like you said, at least we're not killing them because they piss us off or something... and at least we're using every part of the animal we can find a use for. Hmm, maybe we should blame the Canadian natives from hundreds of years ago for killing a buffalo or two to use their meat for food and their hide's for clothing to keep warm during the winter, anyone think of that? Yea, some of us might not be ALIVE.

Fragment Thoughts consume my vision.
No-one knows what it's like to be the bad man,
to be the sad man Behind Blue Eyes.

- The Who
2004-01-29, 8:48 AM #17
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fragment:
Here here mech warrior, Me thinks people should just back off our life style... And like you said, at least we're not killing them because they piss us off or something... and at least we're using every part of the animal we can find a use for. Hmm, maybe we should blame the Canadian natives from hundreds of years ago for killing a buffalo or two to use their meat for food and their hide's for clothing to keep warm during the winter, anyone think of that? Yea, some of us might not be ALIVE.</font>

[] Times change, people wear coats now. People don't need to hunt for food to survive. Get over it.
No one's attacking your "life style". This has nothing to do with Canadians. I'd react the same way if people were doing this in the US.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

[This message has been edited by CygnusX (edited January 29, 2004).]
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2004-01-29, 8:55 AM #18
People only care because the baby seals are cute. No one would care if they were bugs or ugly looking lizards.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-29, 9:00 AM #19
Or babies. Babies are ugly. We have too many of them. Why not use their skins for coats? I bet their flesh would be fairly tender as well.

Roach - Steal acceptance, lend denial.

0 of 14.
omnia mea mecum porto
2004-01-29, 9:10 AM #20
Animal rights activists are usually pretty stupid/hypocritical.

Do they really think they're helping - or even changing anything?
2004-01-29, 9:13 AM #21
Joke article.

Eat the pudding.
2004-01-29, 9:41 AM #22
I seriously hate that kinda of opinion, I realise that you are entitled to your own opinion, but keep it there.

Someone asked me "how would I like it if i was killed and used for fashion" when i was wearing my leather jaket. Well, I'd be dead and not really care now wouldn't I?

The cows that are killed, are RASIED FOR THIS, their only purpose is to feed and clothe us.

It's also keep the population down, they only allow a certain number to be killed, it's like friggin dear hunting, we don't hear alot about dear hunting? or moose hunting? but if it's cute they meake a big deal out of it.

It's a seal, its not like they are going to hand the animal on the wall, they use Inuit up here in Canada use basicly every part of the animal, the hides for clothing (yes even still, they make traditional garments) they eat the intestins and other organs, they even mix the seal blood in with the meat and make a kind of paste with it that can be used like a topping, they use the bones in various peices of art... the aniamls pelts are also exported to other countries and Canada gets money from it.

Seriously, They are here to be killed, it's even worse when hard core christans are opposed to it, Adam and eve had to kill animals to survuive, use their hides to clothe them...

ppl who are this out spoken won't have much of an impact on something like this, and really, unless your going to come up here and tie yourself to ice flows to protect the seals, lay off, cause they can't be that important to you...

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-01-29, 9:50 AM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fragment:
Here here mech warrior, Me thinks people should just back off our life style... and at least we're using every part of the animal we can find a use for.

I never realized that Canadians kill and eat seals on a regular basis. When was the last time you hunted a seal and used all of its parts, fragment? Since that is your lifestyle and all.

Or maybe the seals are just skinned so that rich women can have fancy coats?
2004-01-29, 9:55 AM #24
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Roach:
Or babies. Babies are ugly. We have too many of them. Why not use their skins for coats? I bet their flesh would be fairly tender as well.


Good, good.. But I think old-people flesh is better. It's got more of a leathery feel, plus we have too many old people. I mean, all they do is moan and groan and pay taxes. If that's all they're gonna do, we might as well take their teeth away. That and their skin.

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

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2004-01-29, 10:02 AM #25
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Roach:
Or babies. Babies are ugly. We have too many of them. Why not use their skins for coats? I bet their flesh would be fairly tender as well.


A Modest Proposal, I think.

I have become Death, destroyer of newbs.
Statavad-Gita 8:14
2004-01-29, 10:11 AM #26
Sorry man but i gotta disagree with you. It's not the fact that Seals are cute (even though they are) it's the fact that people are killing them for nothin but clothing. We have no need for it. It's complete stupidity. What the hell is so great about wearing a big fur coat made out of an animal THAT CANT DEFEND ITSELF, when there are cotton shirts or whatever that will cover up from the cold just as good, if not better.
2004-01-29, 11:00 AM #27
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by stat:
A Modest Proposal, I think.


****! You beat me too it!

"What I find especially funny are the neo-Celtic religions based on accounts made by the Romans. It's like learning about Judaism from Nazi lore." --stat
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-01-29, 11:25 AM #28
Funny. If the US had baby seals they'd be clubbing them. :/ Then what would people say?


To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
2004-01-29, 11:48 AM #29
Oh COME OFF IT PEOPLE. Even after Grant and others said that the Inuit use almost EVERY PART of the seal they can, you still bash because "it's only for coats." We have deer, moose, and elk hunting, not to mention duck, rabbit, small game, and bird hunting. Aren't they cute, cuddly, and used for very little? Most of it is friggin SPORT! Come off it people, it's tradition, and don't **** with tradition.

There is no signature
2004-01-29, 11:56 AM #30
Yeah, nothing is more sport than man against rabbit

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-29, 11:59 AM #31
"You can't take away our people's ancient and cherished tradition of hunting baby seals with our skidoos and harpoon guns!" - Canadian Inuit.

Roach - Steal acceptance, lend denial.

0 of 14.
omnia mea mecum porto
2004-01-29, 12:47 PM #32
Yeah, there's nothing more better than a "sport" where you hunt animals that CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES, in an outnumbered situation, while at the same time using guns. Yup, they can really stand a chance.

It's not even abbout the cute animals. It's about killing somthing for NO reason. They don't friggin call killing someone else that's human a sport do they? Yet, it's the same thing. You take one life, for no reason. If it's for food, then sure that's fine because it's a NECESSITY. Fur coats, seal skins, or senseless killing of ducks or deer just for the "fun" of it, that is NOT a sport, nor is it humane.
2004-01-29, 12:54 PM #33
Uh, temperamental, your S/N is really shining tthrough here. I specifically stated as did others that the Inuit use the parts, and mainly out of tradition. KTHXBAI!

There is no signature
2004-01-29, 12:59 PM #34
Well it DOES only make sense to have a nickname like this, if I AM like this.

But I'd like to point out that I wasn't only speaking to you, and that I wasn't even getting mad. If I was geting mad, I doubt I would have worded it the way I did. KTHXBAI
2004-01-29, 1:01 PM #35
Doesn't neccesarily mean mad.
As per
Excessively sensitive or irritable; moody
You're being "excessively sensitive" And I didn't expect you to be speaking to me, nor did I state you were. But thanks again for dodging my reply, just proves the point []. Sad thing is, I'm AMERICAN.

There is no signature
2004-01-29, 1:07 PM #36
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Grant:
The cows that are killed, are RASIED FOR THIS, their only purpose is to feed and clothe us.

And that makes it okay? Not that I think eating cows is wrong, it just doesn't sound like you thought that out very well. []

Anyway, I'm in favor of the babies idea. [] Mmm. Babies.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

The Matrix: Unplugged

I'm a C4D b****!
2004-01-29, 1:09 PM #37
/me eats a thrawn-baby

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-01-29, 1:10 PM #38
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Thrawn42689:

Anyway, I'm in favor of the babies idea. [] Mmm. Babies.



There is no signature
2004-01-29, 5:34 PM #39
I didn't really dodge your point, I just didn't put that into my reply. But anyways, not ALL inuit use it as tradition. A lot of the Inuit and Natives to North America use them as a source of food, and clothing, but to them (a culture that doesn't rely on technology), this is a NECESSITY. That's my point.

Oh yeah, and I'm CANADIAN.
2004-01-30, 5:15 AM #40
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">It's not even abbout the cute animals. It's about killing somthing for NO reason. They don't friggin call killing someone else that's human a sport do they? Yet, it's the same thing. You take one life, for no reason. If it's for food, then sure that's fine because it's a NECESSITY. Fur coats, seal skins, or senseless killing of ducks or deer just for the "fun" of it, that is NOT a sport, nor is it humane.</font>

but that tigers head looks so awesome on my wall!

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.

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