I have no problem with the Patriot Act, and see no need to change it. I do not understand you people who complain about it, but are doing nothing wrong. If you're not doing anything illegal, then why do you care?
What do I care if John Ashcroft's boys monitor what books I check out from the library, what I buy at Home Depot, or what I'm writing right here on the Internet? I'm not doing anything wrong, so why should I care?
Because it violates my privacy? Many people who complain say they "don't want John Ashcroft reading their mail," for instance. Well, first off, Mr. Ashcroft himself is not reading the love letters you sent to your boy/girl friend over e-mail. The government has hundreds of workers and computers that look for specific keywords, if the medium you are using is the Internet. It's not like Ashcroft is going to sit there giggling to himself about the personal messages you sent.
Therefore, if you are doing nothing wrong, then it shouldn't affect you. I'd rather let Ashcroft's boys scan the e-mail messages and book purchases I've made, rather than have another 9/11 happen.
A lot of you say that it hasn't even done anything to stop another 9/11. Just how would you know? Another terrorist attack has yet to happen (knock on wood), and that could be from either two causes. Either it just so happens it hasn't happened yet, or maybe the Patriot Act has actually prevented something. Just because the government doesn't tell you they've prevented a terrorist attack, for instance, doesn't mean they haven't. A lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes that the average American knows nothing about. Therefore, I'll give the Patriot Act the benefit of the doubt and let the government do it's best to prevent another 9/11.
Kids must be shot by Monday.
Honesty tests for workers can't be trusted, report says.
Psychopaths are unpredictable.
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The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?