I find this very interesting. Of course, the planet Osiris is a gas giant. And its about 900,000,000,000,000 miles away or 150 light years. What's after trillions? Anyway, discuss.
Prowling out of the tundra, swinging a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Outlaw Torn! And he gives a gutteral bellow:
"I'm seriously going to hump you until you scream like a banshee!"
I find this very interesting. Of course, the planet Osiris is a gas giant. And its about 900,000,000,000,000 miles away or 150 light years. What's after trillions? Anyway, discuss.
Prowling out of the tundra, swinging a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Outlaw Torn! And he gives a gutteral bellow:
"I'm seriously going to hump you until you scream like a banshee!"
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...