At an early age, I learned the principles of sneaking around:
1. ALWAYS act as if someone is actively looking for you if you're trying to sneak around. (It keeps you from getting careless and getting yourself caught.) Don't appear paranoid, but don't drag your feet. Try to act as if you belong there if you can.
2. know the floor plan. Always be able to get out no matter where you go. It's also critical to know exactly how to get to where you want to go.
3. Keep moving. If you stay in one place for too long, your odds of getting caught will increase.
4. Darkness is your friend. The shadows can help to hide you to some slight extent even in broad daylight and much more so at night. Use them.
5. This sounds obvious, but make no noise. Walk by lightly sliding your feet, and put the weight on the ball of your foot. Step lightly forward using one foot and then slide the other foot up to it. (don't scuff your foot on the ground when you slide it-- this creates extra noise. rather, you should lift your foot slightly before you slide it.) Footstep noises are minimized. Remove anything that may jingle from your pocket, or if you have to leave it, stuff your pockets with paper towels so that items can't move freely.
6. Always use cover noise to your advantage. Anything will do: passing cars are good, even if someone ruffles a newspaper will be sufficient to cover any noise that you may make. (If you make enough noise for just a few seconds, I could probably sneak up behind you and you wouldn't even notice it!)
the opposite of cover noise is how much noise oyu inadvertantly make when oyu move. As such, always gauge how much noice your next movement will eminently make and then take extra measures to compensate when you do move. (Always decide which method will make the least noise, which material would make the least noise when walked on, etc. beforehand.)
7. Use height and depth to your advantage. In other words, try to get either higher or lower than normal eye level whenever you can.
Higher is better, as you would be amazed at how few people bother to look up when they enter an area. (anyone that plays fps games knows that enemies are tougher when they are situated higher or lower than you... you have to find them first, which gives them a slight advantage. Now it's your turn to use it.)
Use balconies, railings, or pretty much anything you can traverse safely.
8. Don't wear black or anything so obvious. Just wear your regular clothes and again, act like you belong there.
Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.
[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited February 07, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited February 07, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited February 07, 2004).]