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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Cosmic Rays...
Cosmic Rays...
2004-02-02, 4:49 PM #1
In case you're wondering, it's what my 8th grade Science teacher used to say was the answer to everything and anything that has no reasonable explanation, and I think it fits this situation very well...
WARNING: Long Story Ahead! And no, I don't expect many people to read the entire thing.

First, there's a little you have to know about me, I'm pretty much kept to myself, there's about ten people in the entire school of about 225~240 people that even know my name (or so I thought). I barely say more than 10 words at school in a day. And there's very few people I talk to at all and it's a wonder that anyone knows who I am.

Anyway, here's the story.

-PART 1-
Last friday I was helping a friend move to his new house along with another person, we went back to our high school (we had the day off, Catholic Schools week) to watch some of a volleyball game between the 5th graders and teachers of the gradeschool I went to. We're there and we see some girls that we knew (one of which I have recently developed a crush on) and they wanted to help us move all the stuff from the old house to the new one, so we all left the game and went to get some more things to move. It's pretty much like that for about an hour, going back and forth from the old house to the new, then someone (forget who) has the idea that we should play spin the bottle... So now I'm sarcastically thinking "Yeah right... Everyone is going to want to do that." but to my suprize, the girls were the first ones to say yes to it... So now I'm feeling kinda weird because I don't really know all the girls that were with us all that well (not to mention very nervous because I've never been kissed before). Luckilly (if that's what you want to call it) the bottle never lands on me when spun and when I spin, it does land on me, so I get skipped. We go on with this for about 15 minutes and we decide to start moving things again, so we get into the van and out of nowhere one of the girls start playing Truth or Dare... and they're all dares about kissing and making out and the like (heh, the only rule was the dares couldn't be anything illegal).
The drive was short enough that no-one had the chance to ask me to play, so I was relieved for that. It was getting pretty late about this time so we had to take the girls home and I had to get home soon too so I left about an hour later.

-PART 2-
It's Saturday morning now and I get a call from the two guys I helped to move the stuff and they wanted to hang out again today (which is strange because as I said before, I'm very introverted, don't talk much, and not many people really know me). For some reason I agree and they pick me up and we drive around town for awhile, I really don't remember what we talked about but I guess somewhere in the conversations it was found out that I like one of the girls that we were with the day before. So they're trying to get me to ask her out on a date or to the sweetheart dance we have later this month, and I keep trying to avoid the topic. That's pretty much all we did Saturday.

-PART 3-
Saturday night to Sunday morning there was a party/lock-in thing that we all went to, this is where the Cosmic Rays thing comes in... there's girls there that I don't even know their names that are asking me to dance with them (again, nervousness sets in because 1.They know my name and I don't know their's, 2.I don't know how to dance, and 3.I don't know where the two guys I've been hanging out with for the past two days are [I'll touch on why that makes me nervous in a minute]).
The even stranger part is, There are even girls that would normally try to avoid me at school and go out of their way to not see me asking me to dance with them on slow, close dances, so now I'm getting pretty confused.
Now, the reason I'm nervous about not knowing where the two guys are that I've been hanging out with is that the girl I have the crush on is also there and I think they told her that I have a crush on her (which is something I really didn't want her to know right now) because she's been trying to get me to let her help me on my paper route. Which I do finally agree to.

And that pretty much brings the story up to now...and I'm still confused about all that's happened in the past few days, but hopefully I can figure at least some of it out.
I just had to get some of that out...and re-reading through the post looking for errors, I realize that this has the makings of a 'Girls' topic and I'll probably regret clicking the Submit button, but meh. []

*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "S-TROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
2004-02-02, 4:51 PM #2
Pfffft. When you have girl troubles, go gay...or not? []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">(heh, the only rule was the dares couldn't be anything illegal).</font>

No fun :P

Gondor has no pants.
Gondor needs no pants.
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-02, 5:11 PM #3
Congratulations, you now have a social life. Now start living it! []

Ask her out. If she says no, rebound to one of the girls you were dancing with earlier. It's win / win!

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-02-02, 5:32 PM #4
Dude! What Spork said!

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-02, 5:46 PM #5
Dude... you da pimp dizzle.

Prowling out of the tundra, swinging a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Outlaw Torn! And he gives a gutteral bellow:

"I'm seriously going to hump you until you scream like a banshee!"
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2004-02-02, 5:50 PM #6
"Pfffft. When you have girl troubles, go gay...or not?"

Honestly dude I think you have underlying urges or something.

And to Stormtrooper you really should get drunk it'll loosen you up, and maybe you can get laid.
2004-02-02, 8:20 PM #7
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Stormtrooper:
First, there's a little you have to know about me, I'm pretty much kept to myself, there's about ten people in the entire school of about 225~240 people that even know my name (or so I thought). I barely say more than 10 words at school in a day. And there's very few people I talk to at all and it's a wonder that anyone knows who I am.</font>

Sounds exactly like me.

I've never been in that kind of situation, so I'd probably react the same way you did. I really don't like going to parties like that. It's not my style. I wouldn't make out with someone I didn't know very well, or at all, in this case.

My Daily Ramblings
"This world is made of love and peace!"
"Let's live today, let's live tomorrow, and let's live the day after that, even if it means living in eternal pain."
- Vash the Stampede
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-02-02, 11:13 PM #8
keep it going..... nowt beats a party.. never played truth or dare or spin the bottle before.... they look like random games, anyhow... go to partys and get wrecked, continue to do this for about 60 years and you might not post a girlfriend problem thread.

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-02-03, 1:08 PM #9
Ya, I'm probably going to ask her to the Sweetheart dance if no-one has already....I just have to find 10 bucks first...
Stupid money...

*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "S-TROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
2004-02-03, 1:15 PM #10
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Stormtrooper:
so now I'm getting pretty confused.

DO NOT try to figure out girls. You will only get more confused. It's a simple rule. Just when you think you have them figured out, they do the exact opposite you think. Trying to understand a girl is like solving a rubik's cube....IMPOSSIBLE!!!

I'm going through my own personal "girl troubles" right now, where I like a girl who I'm friends with, but I'm not sure if she just likes me as a friend or if she likes me like I like her, which is more than just a friend. I've gone in circles, driving myself close to insanity trying to figure out how she thinks, and it is not possible.

My advice to you: go with the flow and see what happens. Don't take crazy risks, but don't shy away from something that might be good. Even if you don't understand, it doesn't matter. You never will.

/end lecture

Kids must be shot by Monday.

Honesty tests for workers can't be trusted, report says.

Psychopaths are unpredictable.

Jay Leno's Headlines > Everything

[This message has been edited by bobafett765 (edited February 03, 2004).]
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2004-02-06, 5:19 PM #11
Heheh, I remember him. Good old Stony... Nice teacher, funny too. Anyways, on that note, I have a bit of girl trouble of my own. Girl I like in Chemi I, but I dunno, and really don't think that she likes me...ah well, it'll all work out.

There is no signature

[This message has been edited by Dj Yoshi (edited February 06, 2004).]
2004-02-08, 6:02 AM #12
If some girls want you to play Spin-the-bottle with them do it! How often will you be able to get that close to a girl with no strings attached?

My advice overall is to just go with the flow like bobafett said. Something really cool could come out of this that you would regret passing up. Something that I need to work on that we just talked about in Psyc class is that if you expect people not to include you then you will act that way and assure that you will be left out. Don't waste the opportunity to get a social life.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right." -Isaac Asimov
"You can't be brave without being scared first." - Joan of Arcadia
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2004-02-08, 9:10 AM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by bobafett765:
Trying to understand a girl is like solving a rubik's cube....IMPOSSIBLE!!!


"Our hero chucks a few rocks..."
"Our hero chucks a few rocks..."
2004-02-08, 9:13 AM #14
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by bobafett765:
Trying to understand a girl is like solving a rubik's cube....IMPOSSIBLE!!!


Bad analogy : I saw a guy solve a rubik's cube in less than a minute. This guy never had a girlfriend.

Death to all who oppose me!

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