Anyway, one of my friends works at a Mobil station near where I work, and that Mobil just got robbed at gunpoint, and HE was the one behind the counter at the time. I don't usually go to that station because you have to prepay and I hate to guesstimate how much gas I need, but I went the other day to razz him about the whole thing. Anyway, to the point of the story. He wasn't there, but I saw a package near the cigarettes labelled "Ready to roll blunts". Now, I know everyone associates blunts with mary jane, but technically you don't have to put that in. What got me about the packages is that they very clearly had a picture of a guy with completely red eyes smoking a not-strictly-tobacco blunt. I mean, you would think that the manufacturers wouldn't want to advertise that what they are selling is geared for illegal use. I'm not anti-pot by any means, but that just seems really dumb. All it takes is one cop undercover behind the counter to get suspicious and look at your buddies getting baked in the car and you're screwed.
Yeah, long and rambling. Anyway, your thoughts?
Yeah, long and rambling. Anyway, your thoughts?