Haven't been there in a while! Heh, best I not go there. I tend to get into fights with both the 'Overzealous, I'm right because my pastor/priest told me so' Christans and the 'There is no God, I have to always be right because my ego driven world will crash to a halt if I admit I'm wrong' athiests (sp?).
Thing of it is, I wish they all had this World Religions class I am currently in. My teacher and I have some great conversations, and are quite cut from the same cloth, except I am a Christan and he is a Panthiest. But he has a PHD in world religions, and unlike most with their preconceived notions, has a handle on what each religion is really about, and doesn't judge them based on some wacko members. First day of class he said "If you are oversensitive about your faith - there is the door. I tear down each religious movement equally in this class, so if your faith is that weak that you can't handle criticism, there is the door." And unlike most, he wasn't just talking about christans... buddhists, muslims, hindus, shinto - everyone. Most people in that position just put down christans, so it was kind of refreshing that we weren't the red-headed stepchildren for once.
Anyway, that was quite a tangent. I digress...
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*