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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "Why Nerds Are Unpopular"
"Why Nerds Are Unpopular"
2004-02-08, 5:05 PM #41
*Shrug* I started to really like high school once I stopped focusing on the stupid crap that goes on and generally turned my attitude around...

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">And that guy's essay is entirely right. The reason the teenage years are so ****ed is because of the boredom and idleness that comes from learning stupid, useless **** in school. Graduation should be based on Academic merit, not on "Complete this essay about what you want to do after school and then take this test putting dogs in a box after completing 12 years of school." Just like elana said, but without the 'happoned'...</font>

I totally disagree. Maybe you weren't able to enjoy school, but I was - I spent 2 years hating high school and 2 loving it (I didn't have a definate opinion in grade nine) and I've realized that the only difference between those two periods of my life was my attitude. I didn't really know what I wanted to do in grade 10 and 11 so I took a whole bunch of courses that I shouldn't have, ended up skipping class and neglecting homework because it was boring, and generally did poorly.

Grades 12 and 13 were (and continue to be) great, because by grade 12 I'd found something I loved (which I should have been in since grade nine, but whatever). School is fun, I'm learning a lot of useful stuff and as much as I'm looking foreward to college, I'll miss HS when it's done.

Bottom line, do stuff you don't love, you'll be bored. Do stuff you do love, you'll be happy. So many people take advanced-level science and math courses who shouldn't be in them...

Shut up. I'm GOING to do this whether you like it or not.

[This message has been edited by Tracer (edited February 08, 2004).]
2004-02-08, 5:15 PM #42
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
Maybe my school is just weird like this, but I learned U.S. history, brief summaries of European and Chinese history, Spanish, acting, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra, basic financial skills, how to write papers...

I'm just failing to see why this material isn't necessary and/or useful.

Because who gives a **** about European and Chinese history? Or acting unless you become an actor?

To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of reality, to see those who dwell behind. I was once a fool.
2004-02-08, 6:12 PM #43
Yeah, why do we have to learn about other people? It's not like they matter at all.

God forbid should acting ever come into actual application. The social applications of such a thing boggle the mind.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-02-08, 7:12 PM #44
What Tracer said. I've traversed the entire continuum of social inept/adeptness over the past four years. Mindset is almost everything. In my case, the maturation of my class as well as myself helped a lot. As a whole, the seniors are a lot more relaxed and a lot less hostile than when we were as freshmen.

It's a good feeling to watch the bizarre social games people play and not care, instead of waxing angsted. You know you're free, then. It's even better when you can interact with those people in genuine and honest ways, but not fall into their rut.
2004-02-08, 8:13 PM #45
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jedi Josh:
Because who gives a **** about European and Chinese history? Or acting unless you become an actor?


So you aren't stupid if the topic ever comes up. So you have a balanced education going into college. So you have dabbled in various supjects so you can determine what you want to study in college. So you know what you don't want to study when you get to college. So you can get into a good college and get a good college education. So you don't end up working at a fast food restaurant for the rest of your life.

I could go on. You'll understand better when you have a few more years of experience. You'll realize at some point that high school doesn't exist to torture kids.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-08, 8:31 PM #46
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jagged Conscience:
the stupidest and most popular kid can somehow seem clever by laughing or saying "Your mum".


ur mom

"In the memory you'll find me. Eyes burning up.
The darkness holding me tightly.
Untill the sun rises up."
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2004-02-09, 3:46 AM #47
No, no. "Your mum."

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-02-09, 4:52 AM #48
I'm not going to bother reading the article because it would cause me to be late for class.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:

Maybe my school is just weird like this, but I learned U.S. history, brief summaries of European and Chinese history, Spanish, acting, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra, basic financial skills, how to write papers...</font>

It sounds like you attended a great school. I went to two different high schools in my state. To my knowledge, the first school didn't have a library or a computer lab, but they had 3 gyms. I spent most of my time there trying to avoid gangs of black kids who would run through the halls punching white kids in the back of the head for fun, being slapped in the back of the head by multiple students in my Health class while the teacher watched and smiled, and being pushed and beat on in gym while being forced by my gym teacher to play basketball with so-called gang members (who were the popular crowd and quite ignorant). The second was a rural school (we moved to the country, thank god) where math didn't go beyond algebra 2, and the internet was something made of magic. It's fascinating to me to see the great opportunities that students in other states/countries have in their schools. It must be a great feeling to enjoy school and actually learn things that you didn't already know from middle school. I agree with your statements regarding the importance of such classes, and that's coming from someone whose life has been more difficult by not having the opportunity to take them.

I don't really know whether I fell under the definition of a nerd, but I feel as if I was definitely treated like one. I was never particularly bright and I maintained a C average the entire time. I was very much in to sports, skateboard, karate, video game, and hanging out with friends from the neighborhood (raising hell).

My life has changed a great deal since high school and I must admit that I am now a so-called nerd (or at least a geek). Amongst the people I hang out with, geeks/nerds are popular and although we may be living in denial, we're having a great time, and I say to hell with everyone else.


[This message has been edited by MentatMM (edited February 09, 2004).]
2004-02-09, 6:30 AM #49
Let me say this at highschool if it wasen't for my skill at insulting, and saying rude comebacks to any moron whom insults me. I would be a total nerd. Hell Nobody at school messes with me. And yet Everybody fears me due to my mouth. I really dont give If I dont have a Girlfreind Cause they always break up. Hahahahaha.

All your my forums. Belong too me.
2004-02-09, 7:03 AM #50
I went to a high school with about 60 students per grade. Everyone knew everyone and pretty much every grade and two cliques. Those cliques meshed well, but usually you werer better friends with people in your group. I was on the few who could do both. I had a good High school experience, I wasnnt the most popular kid, but I didnt have an enemy.

In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2004-02-09, 8:30 AM #51
I just hung out with people I liked in high school I didn't give three inches of a wang what people thought of me or them... we where having fun and being kids.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>
2004-02-09, 9:54 AM #52
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ubuu:
Those cliques meshed well, but usually you werer better friends with people in your group. I was on the few who could do both. I had a good High school experience, I wasnnt the most popular kid, but I didnt have an enemy.


That's the way it was for me socially in high school.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-09, 10:28 AM #53
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Axis:
I have C's in all my classes and I'm not popular. Am I a defective nerd?? *gasp*


You're a dork, not a nerd.

I have become Death, destroyer of newbs.
Statavad-Gita 8:14
2004-02-09, 10:41 AM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">To my knowledge, the first school didn't have a library or a computer lab, but they had 3 gyms.</font>

My school is the same way 3 gyms, 2 exersize rooms, a weight room, and an indoor track. We have one computer lab full of ancient Macintosh computers that don't even work, and we don't have ANY books in our library.

This is completely idiotic, the percentage of kids that will grow up to be athletes is like 0.00001%, but what percentage will need to read classic literature or know how to use computers? Its somewhere like 80%. This is just ridiculous.

Designers have dreams and great idea's, but the coders are who have to get their hand dirty and program everything, they are slaves to the designers will.


"A day may come, when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of Fellowship,
but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you, stand,
men of the West!"
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-02-09, 11:08 AM #55
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ictus:
It's a good feeling to watch the bizarre social games people play and not care, instead of waxing angsted. You know you're free, then. It's even better when you can interact with those people in genuine and honest ways, but not fall into their rut.</font>


MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
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2004-02-09, 2:36 PM #56
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
Yeah, why do we have to learn about other people? It's not like they matter at all.

God forbid should acting ever come into actual application. The social applications of such a thing boggle the mind.


So you won't believe the stereotypes imposed on racial groups. It's also so we won't offend other racial groups by doing something that they would find unacceptable. You will gain a wider view of the world instead of a parochial view. Otherwise, you would just end up as a commie....
2004-02-09, 2:38 PM #57
I was being sarcastic in response to Jedi Josh's post.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-02-09, 3:42 PM #58
Maybe he was being sarcastic, too.

Shut up. I'm GOING to do this whether you like it or not.
2004-02-09, 6:10 PM #59
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
Yeah, why do we have to learn about other people? It's not like they matter at all.</font>

But is learning of Chinese culture and history really relevant when it comes to applying for a job? No, therefor it is not necessary. How it would be useful is beyond me, unless you have a job teaching Chinese history.

I'm not saying it's not something we shouldn't learn, I'm simply stating that it is not particularly useful or necessary.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">God forbid should acting ever come into actual application. The social applications of such a thing boggle the mind.</font>


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">So you aren't stupid if the topic ever comes up. So you have a balanced education going into college. So you have dabbled in various supjects so you can determine what you want to study in college. So you know what you don't want to study when you get to college. So you can get into a good college and get a good college education. So you don't end up working at a fast food restaurant for the rest of your life.

I could go on. You'll understand better when you have a few more years of experience. You'll realize at some point that high school doesn't exist to torture kids.</font>

Oh, so studying Chinese history is necessary to teach kids in high school so that one day in case the topic comes up in a discussion they won't be complete idiots?

That and all the other reasons you listed I won't agree with. I have one word for Chinese History Class in high school: Elective.

To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of reality, to see those who dwell behind. I was once a fool.
2004-02-09, 6:11 PM #60
You should learn a bit about other countries histroy, etc. But specialized classes should be electives.

"What I find especially funny are the neo-Celtic religions based on accounts made by the Romans. It's like learning about Judaism from Nazi lore." --stat
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-02-09, 6:56 PM #61
For me learning things on Chinese history is just...interesting, i find it facsinating and *want* to learn more.

Signatures are overrated.

"You can run but you will only die tired."
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-02-09, 7:03 PM #62
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by BurrBoy:
For me learning things on Chinese history is just...interesting, i find it facsinating and *want* to learn more.</font>

Certainly, I feal the same way. I'm just arguing that it isn't necessary or even really that useful.

To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of reality, to see those who dwell behind. I was once a fool.
2004-02-09, 7:04 PM #63
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jedi Josh:
Oh, so studying Chinese history is necessary to teach kids in high school so that one day in case the topic comes up in a discussion they won't be complete idiots?

That and all the other reasons you listed I won't agree with. I have one word for Chinese History Class in high school: Elective.


I agree, but there are sme core things that kids should know coming out of high school.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.

[This message has been edited by Avenger (edited February 09, 2004).]
Pissed Off?

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