Although I am amused that to prove his point, Tofu had to resort to using an Editorial piece. The whole point of an editorial is to express your personal view. Nothing I haven't seen super-liberal Walter Jacobson do out here in Chicago for our news.
Truth is, before Fox news, the liberals ran the media, put their spin on it, and called it "news".
Seeing that this presented things in an unfair light, the owner of Fox created Fox News to essentially fight fire with fire.
In the end, GBK is right. All media is full of crap now. To point the finger at one side, while acting like the other is fine, just shows complete and total ignorance.
We live in the second age of Yellow Journalism people. Deal with it.
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*