(I'm letting off steam, this is a LONG post, and I swore a little in it. I hope the filters catch it, if they don't my apologies. Anyone who manages to read all the way through it, I'd like an opinion at the end.)
I say it upfront. I freaking HATE this specific teacher. I don't even know how she keeps her job.
Now I'll explain why. When I registered for classes last year, I signed up for a Networking II class. A continuation of what I had last year. It was a small class, only 8 of us, 4 of whom were seniors. So the other 4 of us signed up. The school decided to drop the class because no one else aside from us signed up for it. So we got dropped into this E-Commerce class.
I'd heard horrible things about this teacher, so I expected bad, but thought maybe the class would be ok. God was I wrong.
Since the beginning of the year, I'll swear to you I've learned NOTHING. This teacher consistently *****es at every student in the room. When you walk in, you're almost afraid to get comfortable, becuase she has a tendency to move people all around for little apparent reason. I've been moved three times, other people get moved at least once a week. Whispering to the person next to you is usually all it takes. She doesn't want you to be happy. I can name at least 15 seperate occasions where she's threatened to write someone up for laughing or smiling. When you tell her the truth about anything she doesn't believe you. She's a computer teacher who knows zlich about what she's really teaching. She's a hypocrite. I'll swear she has a bad case of short-term memory loss as well. Case in point, last week she told us as soon as class started that she was in a good mood and we could sit where we wanted and listen to music, as long as it was quiet. Fifteen different people get out some CDs to play and the class is talking. It is, by any sane human's definatition, quiet. Fourty-Five seconds later, she turns to this one black kid, who is doing just like everyone else, and starts yelling at him to get outside becuase he changed his seat, was listening to music, and talking. He sat there and explained what she'd said. She denied it. The class then jumps in and tries to help the poor guy out. She STILL denies it. In the end, he got removed from class and written up for "insubordination". From what I'm told, the administrator took one look at it, saw who it was from, ripped up the refferral, and let the kid hang out in the office. I'm also told this happens quite frequently and that sometimes the student never even SEES the administrator, the security guard who pulls the kid out rips up.
This crap goes one almost every class. I tried being patient and kind and polite. It gets me nowhere. This lady gives no respect to anyone. So here is my current position. Last month I finally reached my breaking point and as soon as I got outside I literally let loose screaming. It was nice. The annoying part though, is I spend 90 minutes trying to keep my cool in there, and then spend 2 hours trying to relax let it go afterwards. So, I reached my breaking point, and decided that since I'm giving and not recieving, she can just go to hell and I'll be a smart *** , a pain, give her the respect she deserves (NOTHING), and generally act to her how she does to us. Perhaps not the best of ideas, but I've had it, and if I get written up, so be it. Probably not the best attitude either. Anyways, I'll end this part of my rant here and move on.
Wendesday of this week, she was off doing a computer performance test thingie, so we didn't have her (YEA!). Instead we moved next door to this other computer teacher's room. I have this teacher for my accounting class. She is awesome and pretty much the complete opposite of my e-commerce teacher. She only really blows her top when you really ask for it. This I've only seen once. So I'm in this room and reading the forums while she hands out the work left for us. Some workbook from which we were assigned sections to do. The section I had was NOT in the book. Now, this nice teacher said I could do another section. I explained that I didn't see the point really, the rest were taken, and when we "presented" the sections in class next time I'd just be redundant. She agreeded as long as I kept myself busy. I did so.
Next class we're back with the witch. As I walked in she pulled me aside and told me I needed to stay after school sometime and make up the work I didn't do. I explained everything that happened and the fact that it wasn't even IN the book and she refused to accept that. I said whatever and sat down. As the class progressed, we found out she'd given everyone a zero for the work done the prior class. Now, everyone did the work on the computer and printed it, she had the work, but gave everyone a zero becuase "none of the answers made sense". A normal teacher would have figured out by the third zero on completed work like this, that something was amiss. She just ignored it. You want to know the reason? She gave the other teacher the wrong books. So the work we did the prior class was pretty much null and void. Yet everyone still has a zero. She what's her bright idea? We do DOUBLE the work in this class period. That means doing each section over from the right book and presenting it. The presentation grade will go in over the zeros. Most of my other sane teachers would have given credit for what WAS done, even if in error, and then added that presentation grade in seperately. So as she hands me my section she still insists I come after to make up this work. I ask why seeing as I have NO reasons to do so now. I mean, she gave us the wrong book, is not giving us credit for what was done, and the zero she's given me for not doing anything will be replaced by this presentation grade. Someone inform me exactly what the hell I'm supposed to make up here! I look her dead in the eyes and say, "Sure, but what exactly am I making up..." and I proceed to explain what I just told you guys. Her response? "You need to make this up." This broken record conversation continued for another 3 minutes until she threatened me with a referral. I was quite tired of trying to pull slivers of information, so I sat down. Then she tells me if I don't do this (make up the work) she'll call my mom. Go right ahead, I say, my mom will side with me. That was the end of that.
So, to put an end on this long post (My apologies for that, before I told the story I though it would be necessary to actually have a feeling for how much of an idiot this woman is), what would you do? As near as I can tell, the ONLY thing I'd be doing is wasting my time. If I made up ANYTHING, it be the 90 minutes she claims I did nothing in, which is stupid becuase it was the wrong stuff and isn't counted anyway.
Gah. I seriously don't think most of this even makes SENSE anymore. I apologise for that as well.
Anyways, my decision is to simply ignore her and not worry about it. I can foresee no ill effects and I see no point in doing it. So what would you do?
I'll leave now.
Frogblast the Vent Core!
--End of Line--
I say it upfront. I freaking HATE this specific teacher. I don't even know how she keeps her job.
Now I'll explain why. When I registered for classes last year, I signed up for a Networking II class. A continuation of what I had last year. It was a small class, only 8 of us, 4 of whom were seniors. So the other 4 of us signed up. The school decided to drop the class because no one else aside from us signed up for it. So we got dropped into this E-Commerce class.
I'd heard horrible things about this teacher, so I expected bad, but thought maybe the class would be ok. God was I wrong.
Since the beginning of the year, I'll swear to you I've learned NOTHING. This teacher consistently *****es at every student in the room. When you walk in, you're almost afraid to get comfortable, becuase she has a tendency to move people all around for little apparent reason. I've been moved three times, other people get moved at least once a week. Whispering to the person next to you is usually all it takes. She doesn't want you to be happy. I can name at least 15 seperate occasions where she's threatened to write someone up for laughing or smiling. When you tell her the truth about anything she doesn't believe you. She's a computer teacher who knows zlich about what she's really teaching. She's a hypocrite. I'll swear she has a bad case of short-term memory loss as well. Case in point, last week she told us as soon as class started that she was in a good mood and we could sit where we wanted and listen to music, as long as it was quiet. Fifteen different people get out some CDs to play and the class is talking. It is, by any sane human's definatition, quiet. Fourty-Five seconds later, she turns to this one black kid, who is doing just like everyone else, and starts yelling at him to get outside becuase he changed his seat, was listening to music, and talking. He sat there and explained what she'd said. She denied it. The class then jumps in and tries to help the poor guy out. She STILL denies it. In the end, he got removed from class and written up for "insubordination". From what I'm told, the administrator took one look at it, saw who it was from, ripped up the refferral, and let the kid hang out in the office. I'm also told this happens quite frequently and that sometimes the student never even SEES the administrator, the security guard who pulls the kid out rips up.
This crap goes one almost every class. I tried being patient and kind and polite. It gets me nowhere. This lady gives no respect to anyone. So here is my current position. Last month I finally reached my breaking point and as soon as I got outside I literally let loose screaming. It was nice. The annoying part though, is I spend 90 minutes trying to keep my cool in there, and then spend 2 hours trying to relax let it go afterwards. So, I reached my breaking point, and decided that since I'm giving and not recieving, she can just go to hell and I'll be a smart *** , a pain, give her the respect she deserves (NOTHING), and generally act to her how she does to us. Perhaps not the best of ideas, but I've had it, and if I get written up, so be it. Probably not the best attitude either. Anyways, I'll end this part of my rant here and move on.
Wendesday of this week, she was off doing a computer performance test thingie, so we didn't have her (YEA!). Instead we moved next door to this other computer teacher's room. I have this teacher for my accounting class. She is awesome and pretty much the complete opposite of my e-commerce teacher. She only really blows her top when you really ask for it. This I've only seen once. So I'm in this room and reading the forums while she hands out the work left for us. Some workbook from which we were assigned sections to do. The section I had was NOT in the book. Now, this nice teacher said I could do another section. I explained that I didn't see the point really, the rest were taken, and when we "presented" the sections in class next time I'd just be redundant. She agreeded as long as I kept myself busy. I did so.
Next class we're back with the witch. As I walked in she pulled me aside and told me I needed to stay after school sometime and make up the work I didn't do. I explained everything that happened and the fact that it wasn't even IN the book and she refused to accept that. I said whatever and sat down. As the class progressed, we found out she'd given everyone a zero for the work done the prior class. Now, everyone did the work on the computer and printed it, she had the work, but gave everyone a zero becuase "none of the answers made sense". A normal teacher would have figured out by the third zero on completed work like this, that something was amiss. She just ignored it. You want to know the reason? She gave the other teacher the wrong books. So the work we did the prior class was pretty much null and void. Yet everyone still has a zero. She what's her bright idea? We do DOUBLE the work in this class period. That means doing each section over from the right book and presenting it. The presentation grade will go in over the zeros. Most of my other sane teachers would have given credit for what WAS done, even if in error, and then added that presentation grade in seperately. So as she hands me my section she still insists I come after to make up this work. I ask why seeing as I have NO reasons to do so now. I mean, she gave us the wrong book, is not giving us credit for what was done, and the zero she's given me for not doing anything will be replaced by this presentation grade. Someone inform me exactly what the hell I'm supposed to make up here! I look her dead in the eyes and say, "Sure, but what exactly am I making up..." and I proceed to explain what I just told you guys. Her response? "You need to make this up." This broken record conversation continued for another 3 minutes until she threatened me with a referral. I was quite tired of trying to pull slivers of information, so I sat down. Then she tells me if I don't do this (make up the work) she'll call my mom. Go right ahead, I say, my mom will side with me. That was the end of that.
So, to put an end on this long post (My apologies for that, before I told the story I though it would be necessary to actually have a feeling for how much of an idiot this woman is), what would you do? As near as I can tell, the ONLY thing I'd be doing is wasting my time. If I made up ANYTHING, it be the 90 minutes she claims I did nothing in, which is stupid becuase it was the wrong stuff and isn't counted anyway.
Gah. I seriously don't think most of this even makes SENSE anymore. I apologise for that as well.
Anyways, my decision is to simply ignore her and not worry about it. I can foresee no ill effects and I see no point in doing it. So what would you do?
I'll leave now.
Frogblast the Vent Core!
--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand