<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">- 40,000 children under age five die every day from hunger and preventable diseases. That's 24 children a minute; equal to three 747's crashing every hour, every day, all year.
- The loss of human life from hunger is greater than if an atomic bomb were to be dropped on a densely populated area every three days.
- One in every five people in the world is hungry.
- More people have died from hunger in the past two years that were killed in World War I and World War II combined.
- 70% of childhood deaths are associated with malnutrition and preventable diseases.
- 70% of people in Asia live in extreme poverty.
- The loss of human life from hunger is greater than if an atomic bomb were to be dropped on a densely populated area every three days.
- One in every five people in the world is hungry.
- More people have died from hunger in the past two years that were killed in World War I and World War II combined.
- 70% of childhood deaths are associated with malnutrition and preventable diseases.
- 70% of people in Asia live in extreme poverty.
That means that about 14,600,000 Children under five die per year.
I read another article that said 6,000,000 children died each year from hunger..It doesn't matter, even if it was lower then that I'd still care.
Now, my problem is...Why do we still spend all this money on developing bombs and stuff. I read somewhere (don't know if this is true or not) That the USA has enough bombs to destroy the world 10 times.. Now, why do we need that much? Even if we only have enough bombs to destroy the world once, isn't that enough?! Haveing all these weapons make us more powerful then other people...so? Destroy the world once, you won't need the rest of those weapons.
I wan't to know why so much is spent on war, and destruction, and so little is spent on the Starving, the diseased, the dieing, and homeless, and the poor. We waste so much food and so much energy and so much everything.
There must be some huge thing I am missing...I mean not just the US, but other countries could chip in too.
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV