My dad says before I was born he was sitting out on the front porch watching a storm once and a bolt of lightning hit a tree in a yard down the street. According to him, shortly before it happened he could feel the static and the dog got up and started barking and going crazy, and he could see the hair on the dog stand up...
True story. Or so he claims, at least.
Oh yeah, and three years ago we were sitting in class and there was a massive storm (I believe the power was out, too)... anyway, there was this massive crack that came from outside, deafening everybody, and when I looked across the room at that instant I'm
pretty sure I actually saw a spark or an arc come from the hinges on the door (though it was a while ago, although I'm pretty sure I saw it, it might not be true... I know it sounds far fetched)...
Anyway, after the storm was over we were told a transformer box right outside was hit by lightning
Do you have stairs in your house?
[This message has been edited by Correction (edited December 02, 2003).]