There's rebellion, then there is all out slaughter of ideals. This isn't the gyrating hips of the freaking 50's, or the free love of the 60's.
Yeah, I remember the songs of the 60's telling you to hate and to kill and,
oh, wait. This isn't the same. Shoot their parents? What the hell? Whatever kid thinks that frankly is disturbed. There are actually fine lines here and there, and some should be not crossed.
Just as the man cited in the article
the kids are ACTING OUT the "ideals". This isn't harmless listening, this is emulation. I don't know how you can say that this form of music is similar to the ones of the past. Before they weren't so hate filled. Rebellious, yes, Angsty, yes, but this? No.
You can't just excuse everything as a phase. Once in a while there really is something bad that on the surface shares similar characteristics to something harmless, but in reality is a different beast. And I think the article makes that point clear. This isn't temporary rebellion. This is about revolution.
Edit: Stupid UBB...
------------------ -No porn. We promise*
[This message has been edited by Lord Kuat (edited February 27, 2004).]