I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have always been a thinker and a worrier. Over the summer, I had a collapsed lung, and while it was nothing serious, in fact relatively common, it really made me realize my mortality. I've never been the same since then, and many times I fall into depression for a week or so. I get anxiety attacks where my heart rate goes up, my stomach gets upset, and stuff like that. Whenever I get any ache or pain my thoughts go immediately back to my hopsital experience. It's something that will probably stay with me for the rest of my life. However, I try to deal with it as best I can, and feel I have been making progress.
You did EXACTLY the right thing to come here and talk about it. Talking about your problems helps immensely. Whenever I get one of my anxiety attacks or feel very depressed, I immediately talk to my parents or friends about it. I get everything out in the open and talk about it, and it feels so much better when you do.
I am 15, and since you are 18, we're both still in the same "teenage" boat. Teenagers go through depression and anxiety and problems like that. It is part of growing up. Hormones are going wild and you're growing up into an adult. It is a big change in life.
Depending how bad it is, perhaps you could see a psychologist. I was thinking about that for myself at one point, but currently am doing a good job managing my problems and think I can get along without one. However, DO NOT be ashamed to go to one. If you are clinically depressed or have some sort of other mental problem causing this, it is NOT your fault. If you need to see professional help, then do it.
Many times when I am depressed, I don't feel like doing anything but just sitting around. However, that only makes it worse. You have to force yourself to keep busy and do stuff with friends. Whatever you do, don't sit home alone for long periods of time. That only causes more thinking and worrying. Humans are social creatures...if you can't see a friend, in person, talk to him\her on the phone, or even instant message them. Anything that is communication with a person will help you. But try going out to movies or parties and even just hanging out with friends at their houses. As long as you are not alone, you will feel so much better.
Inspirational phrases and sayings also help too. I am not religious at all, but you don't have to be to get use out of inspirational proverbs and such. My dad typed up this sign and put it in my room one day, and it says, "Everyday in every way I am growing stronger and stronger." I read it everyday and it helps. Scour the internet...there are thousands of proverbs and sayings that will make you realize that things will get better.
Whenever I am depressed, it feels like it will never get better. However, DO NOT ever give up. And, I don't know how bad you are feeling, but suicide is NOT the answer. No matter how bad something is, killing yourself is not the answer. Every problem can be fixed; never give up all hope.
While you must ultimately help yourself, as I said before, do not be afraid to get help, either from friends and family or from a professional.
I hope this helped you in some way.
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