i am going to type a list of my various views and opinions, any yo tell me where you belive i stand politically and what political party (even a third, obsure one) i sound like. then post yours and we categorize you, and so the conversation goes on. please do not personnaly attack other's views, just continue the thread.
DUU BistX0rz ein N00b!
[This message has been edited by avenger216 (edited March 02, 2004).]
- We should not punish the rich for their sucess with obsenly high taxes, but they definatly do deserve a MUCH larger % tax than people with low incomes. (also there should be more high end tax bracets to break up the rich from the UBORMAXORCASHXORSDOODS)
- Diplomacy is always preferrable to war, but somtimes war is both just and a nessessity.
- Life= conseption to death, and innocent life must be defended at any costs no exeptions
- execution is NOT somthing we should preform often, only when there is NO way to control the criminal otherwise (ie he kills prisoners or breaks out and commits violent crime)in other words, ther eis no excuse in this day age and place
- It is meritous to give the very poor government assistance, but they owe such assistance back to the government in the form of community service equalling the difference between the hours they work and a full work week (40 hours).
- such aid should come in the form of vouchers for rent, emergency medical care, food, and other nessessities.
- we should neither be tree huggers nor wasteful consumers, we do have dominion over the world and should use what we need, but also rememer we are stewards of creation and should make sure nature is still there tomorrow.
- separation of church and state should exist, in the form that the government cannot inpose a religious wholesale nor supply the actual religion with funds to run, but for parochial schools (when public schools fail in the area) and/or charities are fine.
- Freedom to religion is more important than freedom from religion
- your rights only last as long as they do not vilolate life, liberty, or right to pursue happiness of others. also time/plce/manner restrictions.
- friviolus lawsuits are BAAD! especially when the "victim" was being stupid or it was a true accident.
- medical tort reform is very important. have you tried to find an OBGYN that delivers babies anymore? just an example.
- equal rights for all, special rights for none (no affermitave action, no gay marrage, no recognition orprivilage of anyone for ethnicity exept when they are 1/4 or greater indian or first or second generation immigrant)
- 60 hours a week between spouses working must provide enough money to support a family of 4 at the level that the family will be able to provide at least all basic needs.
- freedom of speech and press and such, libraries should be unrestricted in what they can have in their collections, but should be set up in a way to allow parents to protect their kids if they choose to be nvolved
- broadcast TV and radio, as well as most things in public sight (billboards, etc.) should have decency restrictions, relaxed slightly late at night. otherswise, cable and satellite media is limited by the providers, as wih internet, as with cinema, as with games.
DUU BistX0rz ein N00b!
[This message has been edited by avenger216 (edited March 02, 2004).]
DUU BistX0rz ein N00b!