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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Wanted: Level Creators and Artists
Wanted: Level Creators and Artists
2004-03-06, 12:56 AM #1
You must be very good at what you do in order to answer this. However, beggars can't be choosers, so if you're interested gimme a email anyways. I am posting this here because emailing everyone is just rude, annoying, and hard. So here it goes, Hi!

My name is Brandon Hullum. Heard of me? Prolly not, but I have a story board series known as Flip-Side. Neva heard of this either? Keep hearin' me.

I am wanting to convert this 25 episode story (5-8 pages per episode) into a webcomic. What in the heck does that entail to you guys? For a time, I wanted to use NWN/JKO backgrounds for my handdrawn character arts... I'd put 2d anime characters based on characters from my series in the JKO/NWN enviroment. My problem was I never got around to finding all the backgrounds I needed...and many enviroments needed special care and attention to detail to match my story, so my artist skills had to come into play. I picked up some 3d art programs....(ALL OF THEM) and played with them some. I summed up, that it would take me about 5 years to get this all ready, but only because I am not very good at 3d art, and I am looking forward to getting my comic up soon. So... in order to save time in asking all the mod creators if I can use their backgrounds, I figured I'd chat with you guys and pick one or two (atleast 5 if I get lucky) people who are willing to create some levels for me.

What kind of levels? ANY! ...My Webcomic is set in a futuristic/medieval... (Scifi-fantasy) setting...not unlike Star Wars itself. However, I am looking for a Forest Mod (Trees, lots of them.), a City (Future (Nar Shadda) and Modern Mod(New York/Matrix), and a Castle Mod(Something like Helm's Deep meets Theed). These are my primary mods. Permission to use already made mods appreciated, but I'm looking primarily for an artist who can make my locations come to life.

Am I offering money?
Right now, no. I am only offering the chance for me NOT to screw you and take the credit for myself. I don't want to do that! EVER! I want you to be recognized. I am wanting my comic to produce some sort of money, but first we need to show how good it is. If you know anything about the webcomic world, you know where I'm coming from. It's impossible to make money off a new comic, you have to be good at what you do to create a fanbase. And I am gonna get one. I'm not being overconfident, I just know that this story is interesting enough, and that making it in comic form will really spark life for it. If money begins to pour through, you will get an appropiate share. (We have 3 members currently: A writer, an artist, and an editor.) We need one more to come aboard with locations and backgrounds. I love the Massassi community and their mods. Please help me!

Pseudodonn7- Brandon Hullum.
2004-03-06, 1:33 AM #2
You know, countless people have tried asking the same thing before - some even offered money - and still, they were only laughed at.

Best thing to do is learn to make your own levels.

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-03-06, 2:06 AM #3
I know, and it's a issue I should've included, and since I just happen to be here. -smile-

As I said, I am not some regular shmo who is going, "Duh...I don't want to do it! Make it for me!"

I am doing something else, that will add to the Levels. I'm doing Level design, and I am working on a number of sprites. I am stuck with writing and artwork. Our fellow writer (As you may or may not guessed I'm the artist of the trio) is not in charge of writing this. He invented the characters and atmosphere, and I had to build on to it and create scenes, and plot.....I need locations. I can only do so much and do NOT know anyone who makes backgrounds. I'm sorry if this sounds so repetive and I sympathize as I (As an artist) Get the shtick of "Can you draw me!!!!"

But you know what? I've noticed art that has inserted ideas to contribute more than regular occasion art. I might be off base here, but trust me. I think if more people did commisioned art, then their skills in level making would improve. I'm not asking for you to do it if you don't want to. I'm sure others are willing, somewhere. Hear my ideas, I might have nice suggestions in making your art look real. After all, I struggle with 2dimensional backgrounds all day. (And some 3dimensional)

And for a nother note, I have managed SOME 3d art, but not enough to include. The only thing I've manage to work up with are easy 3D designs. Ships, guns, space backgrounds are not hard for me to make and I know 'how' to make them. I merely want permission to use Levels already created OR ..if anyones willing to hear what I got to say, listen to some ideas to incorporate into their levels so I can make this webcomic fall through. I am different, trust me. I'm not here to abuse the talents of others. I need them and I am asking for them. In the world of entertainment you see in graphics art not 3 bozos...but thousands of people working together to come up with a single idea. This is what I'm asking.

Laugh at me, I don't care. I need this work done.

[This message has been edited by Pseudodonn7 (edited March 06, 2004).]
2004-03-06, 3:15 AM #4
As a point of example - I hopelessly failed every art class I ever did. Now people buy the art I make. Who knows why.. apparently I got good.

Point is you're probably going to end up having to do it yourself. And even if you think you suck at it now, you'll definately get a lot better at it with a bit of time and practice. Just because you can't do it once, doesn't mean you can't do it at all.

I'm sure at least one person will offer to help. Whether or not their work is actually any good, and worth using, is another question...

Good luck with it all. I've heard of Flip-Side before. Never had a chance to read it, though.


"When all else fails, eat pie."
thoughts from beyond observance
2004-03-06, 3:29 AM #5
True, (Sorry for these quick responses)

I -am- making backgrounds, but my progress rate is not fast enough. I've seen many levels here that are worth using -just bits and pieces of them tho'- But I can't. -currently figuring out which ones are good enough to use-

I would post some of my 3d work to prove I know and do care about making it happen, however.. I am VERY new to this forum. I'm sure there is a way to include attachments, but I can't find it. Anyways. Thanks.
I'm just asking for help because it's quicker and one less thing for me to do. I don't have enough time to do all this by meself. After all, I could die tommorow and all my stuff would just sit here with no one else to do it... not to be morbid. Damn, that is morbid. Think happy thoughts and pretend I said something nice that'll convince more people to want to help me.
2004-03-06, 5:44 AM #6
Our board is very old, I don't know if message board atachments were even around when we first got these boards. If they were, the admins turned the feature off. To post an image you have to set an image tag around a URl for the image.

Clarinetists, unite!

-writer of Bloodwing: Fallen Soldier
(no site up yet...)
Clarinetists, unite!

-writer of Bloodwing
(a work in progress)
2004-03-06, 6:15 AM #7
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Flexor:
You know, countless people have tried asking the same thing before - some even offered money - and still, they were only laughed at.

Best thing to do is learn to make your own levels.


I think the best thing to do if you want help is to showcase work you've already done. That will prove that you are willing to work on the project yourself, and have the skills and ability to work on it, rather than just be a dictator who orders around those underlings you hire who are more skilled than you.

And everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon...

DSettahr's Homepage

[This message has been edited by DSettahr (edited March 06, 2004).]
2004-03-06, 8:58 AM #8
Well I'm intrigued, and if I was talented or not under major stress with exams and coursework then I'd probably have a go.

Futuristic/Medieval?? Seems a bit of a contradiction, although I can understand that you can have medieval architechture in the future such as Gothic etc...

tristan is the best friend of the jedi

"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
tristan is the best friend of the jedi

"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
2004-03-06, 9:31 AM #9
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jin:
As a point of example - I hopelessly failed every art class I ever did. Now people buy the art I make. Who knows why.. apparently I got good.

I flunked music. []

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-03-06, 9:37 AM #10
You registered here just to tell us that?
2004-03-06, 9:59 AM #11
Flexor--the teacher was retarded. []

There is no signature
2004-03-06, 10:30 AM #12
BTW, I can't map JK, but if you want something on an overall scale, I could get an SC and/or WC3 map done I s'pose.

There is no signature
2004-03-06, 12:16 PM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by KnobZ:
You registered here just to tell us that?</font>

Kids must be shot by Monday.

Honesty tests for workers can't be trusted, report says.

Psychopaths are unpredictable.

Jay Leno's Headlines > Everything
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2004-03-06, 7:05 PM #14
What can I say? I have no life! I am posting a webaddress with 3D art and stuff...also my anime you can see what kind of work I'm on. You'll know if it's by me if there is not Copyright label RIGHT underneith it.
(I use other peoples work, when they request to make their own stuff)

You can browse around. It's full of editing mistakes....grammatical and spelling..but that's what happens when you rush! I'm still working on it. As you can see it just went up. (We moved from Geocites due to lack of Navagation Bar)
2004-03-06, 7:17 PM #15
That blue grid as the page's background hurts the eyes. Anyway, looks like a fairly good start to me.

I don't quite understand why the second comic page is upside down though....

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-03-06, 7:40 PM #16
...or the same as the first strip. What Jaiph said pretty much.

Check out the following stories over at the Interactive Story Board:
The Never-ending Story Thread or visit the new webcomic version!
The Vision Cycle series
Featured Story: The Darkside Chronicles
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-03-07, 11:24 AM #17
prototype comic. The program I used became a problem (I was using a trial version) But I'm working on purchasing it. At the time I couldn't create a second one, and the one I had intended to be the next panal was obliterated. So in order to test how to make the comic progress, I needed a comic around the same size as the last one to test how to format the pages. I found the test highly successful. Sorry about the grids, looking for a better background.

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