At U.S. Universities, there is no standard for when one declares one's major. At my University (Central Michigan), you must sign a major after completing 62 credit hours (junior status), before you may register for the next semester. Other schools allow even more time...
Yes, this problem is rampant everywhere. This problem originated in the 1960's. If you payed attention, you'll notice that at any given University, roughly 50% of the buildings were build in the 1960's. The purpose was to accomidate the coming Baby Boomer generation, which would mean a large jump in college attendance, and a jump in income.
As a result, the degree became devalued, so more people needed to get one to hold a job. This cycle has fed itself repeatedly, so now most people come to college only because it is required for them to have any hope of living their Amercian Dream.
This is well demonstrated at my school. CMU is possibly the biggest school for education, producing thousands of grade school teachers each year. Despite having an attendance of nearly 20,000, and roughly 2,000 faculty, there are no significant research programs sponsored here. almost all undregraduates here focuses on their future job, and pays no attention to actual research.
Nes digs around in the trash can.
Nes finds a hamburger!
Nes puts the hamburger in his backpack.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...