Have a mucho biggo project to hand in tomorrow, and am struggling to get through all the AutoCAD drawings for my bridge (reinforcement diagrams mainly, the General Arrangement is all but finished)...
...So I'm pulling the classic student all-nighter, what makes it really poor is the fact all my mates are at a formal tonight, and I can't go (And there's a damn fine lady going to be there who wants a bit of me, but that's another story...damn ) because I struggle with CAD. (I've had to learn it unaided from scratch in a month, on top of learning all the stuff for my degree, and how to use an FEA program called Strand7, which was a little hardcore - but not too bad from a basis in 3D modelling in JED)
And I'm sat looking at 3 mugs of tea (well, 2 mugs and a flask to keep the last of it hot), which has as much caffeine as an equivalent amount of coffee. Also have muchmuchmuch sugary food to hand, and 2 litres of coke.
It's gonna get messy.
Luckily there's 3 cans of bitter in the fridge for the end of the night/start of the morning to celebrate with...!
\Gets back to work
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
...So I'm pulling the classic student all-nighter, what makes it really poor is the fact all my mates are at a formal tonight, and I can't go (And there's a damn fine lady going to be there who wants a bit of me, but that's another story...damn ) because I struggle with CAD. (I've had to learn it unaided from scratch in a month, on top of learning all the stuff for my degree, and how to use an FEA program called Strand7, which was a little hardcore - but not too bad from a basis in 3D modelling in JED)
And I'm sat looking at 3 mugs of tea (well, 2 mugs and a flask to keep the last of it hot), which has as much caffeine as an equivalent amount of coffee. Also have muchmuchmuch sugary food to hand, and 2 litres of coke.
It's gonna get messy.
Luckily there's 3 cans of bitter in the fridge for the end of the night/start of the morning to celebrate with...!
\Gets back to work
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.