From: Mrs Alice kobe <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 20:10:54 -0800 (PST) DEAR FRIEND. This business proposal to you is strictly confidential, with due respect. Sorry at thisperceived confusion or stress may have receiving thisletter from me, Since we have not known ourselves ormet previously. Despite that, I am constrained towrite you this letter because of the urgency of it.Byway of self introduction, I am Mrs. alice Kobe, thewife of late Brigadier - Gen.Maxwell Kobe formerECOMOG ARMY COMMANDER [West African peacekeeping forcein Sierra Leone] who died in the Sierra Leone civildisturbance [War]. My three daughters and I aretrapped in obnoxious custom and traditional norms. We have suffered maltreatment and untold hardship inthe hands of my late husband's family, simply becauseI did not bear a male child [heir apparent] for mylate husband. By tradition, all that my late husbandhad, [wealth] belongs to his brothers/family. Andmyself is to be remarried by his immediate youngerbrother which I vehemently refused. They have takenall that I suffered with my husband to acquireincluding treasures, houses and his bank particularseized by them. I wanted to escape to escape to yourcountry with my children on exile, but againthey conspired and stole my international passport andother traveling document to further frustrate me. Thank God, two weeks ago, I received Key Text Codefrom a Security Company in EUROPE, that my latehusband deposited U.S $25.5 Million cash with thissecurity company EUROPE . It has therefore, becomevery necessary and urgent to contact someone, aforeigner like you to help me receive/secure thesefunds overseas in a reliable bank Account (presumablyan empty Bank Account, if available) and to helpinvest it on our behalf as well, while we find a wayof getting out to meet with you in your country. These funds are kept on an "OPEN BENEFICIARY MANDATE"with the Security Company in EUROPE to avoiddetection, seizure or diversion. I have had severaltelephone discussions with the Director of thesecurity company in us,who has express willingnessto help me on meeting the company's demands. This iswhy I have contacted you to help save my children andI, receive these funds on our behalf. But, you wouldneed to give me sufficient assurance that if you helpme, you would not divert the funds. My children and I have resolved to give you 30% of thetotal sum. This is all my children and I have got tolive on. Please, I have reposed my confidence in you and hopeyou will not disappoint me. I look forward to yoururgent response, including your phone/ mobile No andalso your fax no for easier communication. NB: The secret codes (e.g Pin No., Secret Access Code)for this fund are safely kept with me which I can giveyou as soon as you express desire to help me. Stay blessed.ALICE KOBE
I check my e-mail.
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 20:10:54 -0800 (PST) DEAR FRIEND. This business proposal to you is strictly confidential, with due respect. Sorry at thisperceived confusion or stress may have receiving thisletter from me, Since we have not known ourselves ormet previously. Despite that, I am constrained towrite you this letter because of the urgency of it.Byway of self introduction, I am Mrs. alice Kobe, thewife of late Brigadier - Gen.Maxwell Kobe formerECOMOG ARMY COMMANDER [West African peacekeeping forcein Sierra Leone] who died in the Sierra Leone civildisturbance [War]. My three daughters and I aretrapped in obnoxious custom and traditional norms. We have suffered maltreatment and untold hardship inthe hands of my late husband's family, simply becauseI did not bear a male child [heir apparent] for mylate husband. By tradition, all that my late husbandhad, [wealth] belongs to his brothers/family. Andmyself is to be remarried by his immediate youngerbrother which I vehemently refused. They have takenall that I suffered with my husband to acquireincluding treasures, houses and his bank particularseized by them. I wanted to escape to escape to yourcountry with my children on exile, but againthey conspired and stole my international passport andother traveling document to further frustrate me. Thank God, two weeks ago, I received Key Text Codefrom a Security Company in EUROPE, that my latehusband deposited U.S $25.5 Million cash with thissecurity company EUROPE . It has therefore, becomevery necessary and urgent to contact someone, aforeigner like you to help me receive/secure thesefunds overseas in a reliable bank Account (presumablyan empty Bank Account, if available) and to helpinvest it on our behalf as well, while we find a wayof getting out to meet with you in your country. These funds are kept on an "OPEN BENEFICIARY MANDATE"with the Security Company in EUROPE to avoiddetection, seizure or diversion. I have had severaltelephone discussions with the Director of thesecurity company in us,who has express willingnessto help me on meeting the company's demands. This iswhy I have contacted you to help save my children andI, receive these funds on our behalf. But, you wouldneed to give me sufficient assurance that if you helpme, you would not divert the funds. My children and I have resolved to give you 30% of thetotal sum. This is all my children and I have got tolive on. Please, I have reposed my confidence in you and hopeyou will not disappoint me. I look forward to yoururgent response, including your phone/ mobile No andalso your fax no for easier communication. NB: The secret codes (e.g Pin No., Secret Access Code)for this fund are safely kept with me which I can giveyou as soon as you express desire to help me. Stay blessed.ALICE KOBE
I check my e-mail.