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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Help me build my portfolio...
Help me build my portfolio...
2003-12-13, 3:55 PM #1
As you can see on my site, my portfolio page is sort of slim.


B/c of this, I'm wanting to develop my portfolio some more, yet I can't afford good advertising.

To fix this problem, I'm making a one-time offer to the Massassi Community:

I will redesign (or construct) several sites belonging to Massassi Members (clan sites, editing sites, and the like) for free while I'm on Winter break until Jan. 15. I highly recommend you take this offer-- my usual pricing starts at $250 for a basic built-from-scratch site. I'm offering my full services to those who are interested: Graphic design, HTML coding, layout, etc. (even flash upon request!)

All I'm asking in return is the right to include a

"This site was developed and built by Pagewizard Web Design "

link on the bottom of each page in the sites I develop under this offer (just as it appears above) as well as the right to include a screenshot/description of each site in my permanent portfolio.

This offer is good for the first 3 people who apply, first come, first serve. (If I have time, I may extend it to 4 people )

If you are interested, please send me an e-mail using the contact form on my site:

Thank you for your cooperation.

Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.
2003-12-13, 4:43 PM #2
Just FYI, huge animated buttons in a sidebar like that are out of style and very unprofessional-looking.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

[This message has been edited by CygnusX (edited December 13, 2003).]
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

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