I'm talking about all the images on every page. But if you want links, I'll do you one better. I took a screenshot of your page. The numbers correspond to the comments below.
1. This should be a circle, but instead it looks like a jagged blob.
2. This looks like it should be a 90 degree angle, but the horizontal line went to far to the left.
3. Same as #2, but it looks like you did it on purpose. A professional looking images should be geometrically precise, not wandering in random directions.
4. Everything on your page besides this is a smooth curve. This jagged curve is inconsistant and looks bad.
5. This line isn't even straight. It honestly looks like you drew all these images freehand. Even if you did intend to make this a diagonal line, the stepping looks really bad.
6. The content of the page should not extend otuside the boundaries of the title bar.
1. The low-res looks terrible. If images are causing your page to load too slowly, then the solution is to use fewer images, not crappy images. And anyway, these are solid colors. I'm sure that you could create a jpg small in filesize using very little compression.
2. These two headings should be the same size but aren't. Furthermore, to achieve the difference in size, all you did was to stretch the second heading vertically, distorting the image and causing the page logo to get all jagged.
3. These white squares ought to line up vertically with something below them. Otherwise, they just look out of place. Also, they aren't even in a straight line. Again, it looks as if you drew them freehand. In art, this would look organic. On a supposedly profession webpage, it looks sloppy.
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
[This message has been edited by CygnusX (edited December 13, 2003).]