So I needed pictures for my photography project, and I invited happydud over. We ended up going down into this valley near my neighborhood where some power lines run, and took some pictures in the woods off to the either side. We found an area that was really cool looking, so we went back to my house and dropped the camera off and came back. Before going into the woods, we dropped off our jackets because it was getting too hot out. So we spent about an hour and a half exploring or just sitting around in this one place (it was a really deep gulley kind of where the topsoil had slid and about 6 giant trees had fallen, forming bridges to the other side, with a stream running underneath) and we decided to go back. We walked out of the woods, and toward the way down the valley and back to my neighborhood. This entire area is one hill after another. On our way to where we dropped off our jackets we spotted what looked like two dogs coming down about two hills ahead of us. I picked up our stuff and met happydud at the next hill, and just as I get there, the two dogs get to the next one. "Oh, hello," happydud says. The dogs take off after us. So we start running in the opposite direction, and since it was on an uphill, and I'm out of shape, the dogs (which were VERY big) were closing the distance disturbingly fast. Looking over and seeing that we were near some guy's backyard, I yell, "over here!" and take a hard right, thinking I would run through his yard and into the street, where I had a feeling the dogs wouldn't follow. However, I ran straight into a tree and its adjoining brambles, and had them wrapped around my arms and legs, and couldn't move. Happydud comes back while the dogs stop and are barking at me about 3 feet away. I'm scared ****less, but the guy has a dog in his yard with an electric fence, which distracts the offending animals. We then make a break for it, me tripping several times as the brambles get caught on my leg. Then we had to walk back to my house via going through an adjoining neighborhood and down two highways . I've got cuts all over and on my face, and I bruised up my left side really bad, and it's painful to breath . And I dropped one of the jackets in the midst of our mad dash. So, in conclusion, really big wandering dogs in the woods scare me.
I have a signature.
I have a signature.
I have a signature.