Heres a short thingamagiger that you don't have to read, it's just my opinions of playing MGS2 before MGS. if you don't want to read this first part, skip to the first line. If you don't want my intro to the game, skip to line 2 :P.
I played MGS2 on X-box about a year and a half ago. I liked and didn't like it. I didn't understand all the hype MGS was getting because it didn't seem all that great. I had read that lots of people thought MGS2 was bad, and I assumed that this had to do with the storyline, Raiden's feminine character, and that the gameplay experience was generally bad. I agreed somewhat because it didn't seem to be all that "stealthy" in my opinion. My approach was commonly to ditch the machine gun and dart people in the head just out of viewing range right in front of them. I really liked all the twists and stuff, it was really cool. THen I played it again with friends and we agreed that it was bad because it ahd waayyy too many subplots. Once we found out about Solidus Snake, we were like "ok, this is stupid, it better get better, etc." I mean it was a good experience, it just lacked what you might call an ending that was good. ending* I loved some of the music though, the final boss fight, the general *clickity click clik clik, clik, clik clik, followed by a warpidy hornish tune and some techno*. Basically, I assumed that I didn't like it because everyone said that the first one was so much more superior.
Could I have been more wrong...
I didn't like MGS2 for all the wrong reasons.
I've now finished MGS on gamecube, about 10 minutes ago. My review:
The gameplay was the same experience. The arenas were smaller. The game was slightly longer.
I'm sure that the original had less cutscenes than this GC version. I'm sure that I would love the game more if I had played it on Playstation for many reasons, including:
-I've played Splinter Cell, IMO better gameplay
-I've played Splinter Cell, IMO better graphics
-How can I like Zelda: A link to the past now, if it came out on SNES 10 years ago? I couldn't. It was classic then, but I wouldn't enjoy it as much now if I hadn't played it then. It was fantastic at it's prime, and now it might not be AS fantasticly played.
-Different American mindset about nuclear missles at the time, too many games and stories that are similar have come out since then
-Stealth games have been around awhile now
So, I'll give the game all of the above, and say it's about 10% better than my opinion below.
*****Some spoilers*****
The entire game I was waiting for something. Friends had told me that the game was great, I accepted this fact and have been wanting to play it since. In the end, I hoped for slightly more/better plot twists. How many more plot twists can there get than MGS2 though? seriously. There were enough plot twists to satisfy me, however. Liquid's identity at the end, just before he enters Metal Gear...loved it. The whole FoxDie thing was kinda dumb, especially how the ended it's involvement with snake...too vague, too dumb. I loved Liquid's speech about Solid and his past at the end, but their final fight after Metal Gear was missing something. It needed more intensity, more action. He 'died' too many times too. The car sequence was nice, but then he had to die like 3x after that again...sigh. The VERY end was just ok, but the entire end, basically after you enter the code to deactivate Metal Gear till the end was very very good...overall.
I don't quite understand all the hype the game got back then, but that's probably because of the time it came out. I also played the game on easy mode...maybe I needed more of a challenge. Everyone tells me that "oh, #2 sucked, etc etc," but IMO, even though snake is the hero, I loved #2 for it's incredible plot twists and pretty good depth. HOpefully #3 will be more satisfactory and bring out what I'm looking for in the game that seems to be missing somewhat.
The Ninja was freaking awesome in MGS though...unfortunately his part in the story was scripted 10 years ago and he couldn't have had another kick arse scene or two, however his character was very well done. I loved the last thing Snake said to Naomi about the ninja.
In the end, I feel that the game deserves the 8.5 rating that ign gave it. It starts off good, but just doesn't quite excel to that 9.0 or 9.5 rating you want it to have.
I'm going to try it on hard or extreme this weekend.
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