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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Favorite maps?
Favorite maps?
2004-03-30, 6:19 AM #1
I've been reinstalling all of my favorite JK levels, searching for inspiration... and I was just curious to see what everyone else's favorites were... I'm hoping to find good ones that I have yet to see.

My top 5 are:

1. The Deep, by Nebula

2. Decimation, by MaDa

3. Reclusion, by Spiral

4. Old Mill, by Tee

5. Tomb of the Sands, by NorthChaos

Also, I don't think this community would be what it is without editors like Takimoto, Ortheza, Jeff Walters, Flexor, JM, Blood Asp, and Slug... but thass just me []

What does everyone else like?

------------------ easy life would be... if only it came with a consistancy checker.
Fabricator of Neurotic for MLP4

[This message has been edited by halucid (edited March 30, 2004).]
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2004-03-30, 6:37 AM #2
Dark Tempest 7 and 8 for NF guns, anything by tee, and drazen isle just for running around.

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-03-30, 6:40 AM #3
Empire Night Club, Tee's Sarlacc level, Dark Citadel, Crust, Naythn's MLP3 submission (name eludes me), and everything KillerBee has ever produced (namely Riot!). Oh, and also Mormegil's CTF pack submission. I think it's called Halls of Mandos or something like that.

Have a good one,

[This message has been edited by Freelancer (edited March 30, 2004).]
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-03-30, 6:48 AM #4
Oh yeah! I forgot about Emp Night Club! I wouldn't call it "inspirational", but prolly my most played level. Old school good times...

------------------ easy life would be... if only it came with a consistancy checker.
Fabricator of Neurotic for MLP4
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2004-03-30, 6:50 AM #5
Baron's Hed JKRPG.
Drazen Isle.

Need I say more?

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever.
-- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, The Father of Rocketry
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-03-30, 7:22 AM #6
OTS... []

The future is here, and all bets are off.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-03-30, 7:29 AM #7
Woah woah woah. []

I have never liked MP so much, so I don't say a thing.

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-03-30, 7:56 AM #8
My Favorate JK levels of all time would be

1.)"Coruscant Deep City" By SolidSnakeJedi
2.)"Theed Palace" by HothRebel

Good maps.

All your my forums, belong to me.
Duel Roadkill
Who wants to play BOOM 3?
2004-03-30, 8:03 AM #9
Okay, no plugging your own maps, for the sake of objectivity..

Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-03-30, 8:26 AM #10

I think it's safe to say we all like our own levels. We wouldn't have released them if we didn't. []

------------------ easy life would be... if only it came with a consistancy checker.
Fabricator of Neurotic for MLP4
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2004-03-30, 8:30 AM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Freelancer:
Okay, no plugging your own maps, for the sake of objectivity..</font>

Fine. []

CO was really my favorite map. Not any of its million mods, but the original...

The future is here, and all bets are off.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-03-30, 9:38 AM #12
I think I all ready have that one []

------------------ easy life would be... if only it came with a consistancy checker.
Fabricator of Neurotic for MLP4
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2004-03-30, 9:39 AM #13
Drazen Isle
Takimoto's Cathedral level
Old Mill
There was a King-of-the-Hill kind of level with a large tower that had all sorts of traps surrounding it, but I don't remember the name anymore.
Most of the Dralloc series. Namely Dralloc Arena. Beefcaike was an ok guy.
I was also always a fan of Tusken Battlegrounds.

Our very existence is at stake

[This message has been edited by Ric_Olie (edited March 30, 2004).]
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2004-03-30, 9:39 AM #14
Since no one said they had to be MP maps, I'm going to go ahead and say Siege on Derra IV.

And everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon...
DSettahr's Homepage | Cantina Cloud | Rally NY
2004-03-30, 9:50 AM #15
Det's Can Yun O Ace Is or something.

Assassin's Training Guild, although I can't find it on Massassi, must have been before our time.

------------------ Brian's Web Log
2004-03-30, 9:58 AM #16
Drazen Isle > all others

Kids must be shot by Monday.

Honesty tests for workers can't be trusted, report says.

Psychopaths are unpredictable.

Jay Leno's Headlines > Everything
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2004-03-30, 10:14 AM #17
I'll mention only the ones not mentioned yet.

Favorite SP levels:
  • Warzone 2 & 3 (1 was meh)
  • ANY CO-OP LEVEL! (though "Thief" and "Chaos Eternal" in particular)
  • Planet Sith (yeah, there's something twisted I like about the bajillion bad guys, heh)
  • Others I'm forgetting because I no longer have them on my 'puter []

Favorite MP levels:

  • any level by bug (Atlantis, Morpheus, and The Castle of Ice and Wind in particular)
  • Neurotic from MLP4 (can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet)
  • The Dark Tempest series (some more than others) and Tourniquet
  • Hanger 217
  • Valley of the Jedi Tower (still a LEC original fav)
  • Purgatory (only because it was fun to explore)
  • Duel of the Fates (the largest version -- SE I think)
  • Cataclysmic Chasm (Spork pack)
  • Saberdome Maximus (biased though on that one due to being in the JK clan that made it)
  • From the MLP packs (not already mentioned): MLP1 - Wayrest Landing. MLP2 - Minas Fragith, Deep. MLP3 - Dry Heat.
  • others I'm sure I'm forgetting []

If you're searching for inspiration though, may I open the field to other videogames as well, or at least other FPSs/3-D games? The best inspiration, I feel, comes from outside the genre. Ridley Scott was not a fan of sci-fi films, for instance, when he made Alien.

Check out the following stories over at the Interactive Story Board:
The Never-ending Story Thread or visit the new webcomic version!
The Vision Cycle series
Featured Story: The Darkside Chronicles

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited March 30, 2004).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-03-30, 10:58 AM #18
Anything by Tee, Juz, Slug, Jason Burton, NC, etc, etc and lots of other people I don't remember because my memory is horrible. Good times.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-03-30, 12:54 PM #19
that unreleased huge KOP level by Blue_bot (it was big)
Ol'whatyamacallit by Freepanster (dark & moody ... couldn't see a damn thing stalking terror)
Warzone sp series by Emambu (2nd chapter had good story)
Derra IV by Ryan (IMO best SP level)(WOW just WOW)
RotE series by Sav (Good story)
freight runner by jook (nice archi)
Anything from MaDa
dry *feet* by NC (fun in the sun)
most of the levels in the mlps ... (most were good ...)
Spiral's london (it looks good but plays really bad!)
Team Fusion CTF pack.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
There was a King-of-the-Hill kind of level with a large tower that had all sorts of traps surrounding it, but I don't remember the name anymore.</font>


[This message has been edited by CavEmaN (edited March 30, 2004).]
2004-03-30, 1:46 PM #20
I like many that Jaiph is probably referring to. While looking for the most visually appealing JK maps in order to convince some LAN gamers to play JK, Old Mill was the best looking one I could find.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-03-30, 3:00 PM #21
My favorites:

-Neurotic (halucid)
-Dark Tempest (Flexor)
-Decimation (MaDa)
-Area 21 (Jedak)
-Barons Hed RPG
-Life of a Merchant (Wolfy)
-MOTF (Matt Chapman)
-Drazen Isle (Walters)

and others I forgot.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2004-03-30, 3:01 PM #22
Here's a good one
Here's a classic to round it out.

Superstition brings bad luck.
-Raymond Smullyan, 5000B.C.
2004-03-30, 3:07 PM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by GBK:
OTS... []</font>

"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-03-30, 6:41 PM #24
The Challenge At Nar Shaddaa (NF CTF)
Team Fusion CTF Pack (NF CTF)
Halls of Mandos (NF CTF)
Ground Zero II (NF CTF)
CTF Reactor (NF CTF)
Water Treatment (NF CTF) <-- unreleased

Four Pillars (FF DM)
Dengar 5 (FF DM)
The City R1 (NF DM)
Jedi High School (NF DM)
Empire Nightclub (NF/FF DM)
Hangar 217 (NF/FF DM) <-- or Manowar 2
Morpheus (NF DM)
Higher Ground (NF DM)
Starbase Training (NF DM) <-- No SS
Riot (NF/FF DM)

I could go on and on but I'd probably just bore you more than I already have. :/


[This message has been edited by MentatMM (edited March 30, 2004).]

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