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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I'm so happy :)
I'm so happy :)
2004-09-03, 5:54 PM #1
I'm so HAPPY :) I just got a gmail account. I was trying so hard to get one since I had heard about it on Screensavers :) :D that just made my week! :)
"Too bad stupidity doesn't actually kill"

"No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."^"I say never be complete...I say let's evolve." ** Fight Club**
2004-09-03, 5:58 PM #2

I've had like 10 people offer me invites.

I don't have any problems with hotmail, so I don't really see a point in switching. (except for the fact that any incoming e-mails from gmail accounts automatically get sent in my junk folder for some reason)
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-09-03, 6:09 PM #3
hehe, well I hadn't been able to get in contact with anyone with it, so Im happy :) :p

By the way, like ur new title under your nick;)
"Too bad stupidity doesn't actually kill"

"No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."^"I say never be complete...I say let's evolve." ** Fight Club**
2004-09-03, 6:10 PM #4
I have 6 invites, if anyone wants them send me an email. Include your address
2004-09-03, 6:13 PM #5
yeah as of right now I have 4 invites left. Like overlord said post your name and email address :)
"Too bad stupidity doesn't actually kill"

"No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."^"I say never be complete...I say let's evolve." ** Fight Club**
2004-09-03, 6:15 PM #6 <----- Like G-mail, only no invite is required.

It also came out like a week or two before g-mail, which is why I got an account ;)
2004-09-03, 6:18 PM #7
Rob like the sig. haha! ;) :p that just got a good laugh outta me :)lol ;) :D
"Too bad stupidity doesn't actually kill"

"No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."^"I say never be complete...I say let's evolve." ** Fight Club**
2004-09-03, 6:33 PM #8
Yahoo works for me, especially now that they uprgraded everyone to 100 megs
Pissed Off?
2004-09-03, 7:04 PM #9
I have yahoo and Gmail. If any one wants Gmail i have some invites, but i know there is like a lot going around right now.
Yub nub, eee chop yub nub,
toe meet toe pee chee keene, g'noop dock fling oh ah.
Yah wah, eee chop yah wah,
toe meet toe pee chee keene, g'noop dock fling oh ah
2004-09-03, 8:45 PM #10
Originally posted by twisteduprising
Rob like the sig. haha! ;) :p that just got a good laugh outta me :)lol ;) :D

Hey, some of us happen to like golden showers. Don't laugh at our fetish.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-09-03, 8:55 PM #11
Yeah gmail is cool. Many thanks still Brian ;)

yes the forums are wide again! :D
2004-09-03, 8:58 PM #12
I've got 6 invites as well.

E-mail me at danubdegrove[at]gmail[dotty-dot-dot]com if you want one.
2004-09-03, 9:14 PM #13
I still got one I believe...
2004-09-03, 9:26 PM #14
Originally posted by Kieran Horn
Hey, some of us happen to like golden showers. Don't laugh at our fetish.

haha kieran! lol my lips are sealed! LOL eh I got a new title under my name lol well at least now I wont have to say it lol :p
"Too bad stupidity doesn't actually kill"

"No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."^"I say never be complete...I say let's evolve." ** Fight Club**

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