Allow me to add my thoughts to the thread...
First of all, the initial module, the Vethboro Dragon Module, is pretty much a very good module for beginning characters around Level 1, and it's extremely DM friendly to DM. Which is why I enjoy to do this one module, I've DMed it a couple of time. Here's a description...
It is hard to believe that only a month ago you decided to leave your home and take on a life of adventure. Unfortunately, after weeks of uneventful, unexciting, and unproductive days, you find yourself near Vethboro, a recently-founded village on the eastern side of the Thunder Peaks. Your desire to make a name for yourself is now quite high, but the chances of finding a quest more perilous than sheep herding--especially in a village this small--seem quite low...
If anyone is interested in co-DMing this mod, then feel free to message me.
Finally, the players will need a small hakpak which can be found
Now, as a DM, I have to admit that I prefer Roleplaying over Hack and Slash. Mind you, a little H&S and random encounters are never bad every now and then to break up the pace. In this particular module, both are well featured. Second, I try to keep the games serious. Ergo, no leet speek, no silly handles, no silly emoticons and the like. Mind you, humorous moments are certainly welcome, but keep the comedy to something in-game. To have a better idea of what kind of DM I am, I recommend checking the reviews
here, it might give you an idea. Also, for those interested, I'm also willing to add custom content, like armor and such into the game, but naturally, don't go overboard with it. I'd recommend just taking a low-level item, editing the copy and change the appearance. In my opinion, changing the appearance of the clothes that a character wears alone could give your character a more personal touch.
Also, if necessary, I could put up with a fifth player if necessary. If anymore, six is definately the limit, I would have to ask for a co-DM.
Simply put, I prefer the kind of players that are willing to invest a bit of time in their character, and try to keep the RPing serious. I'd recommend reading the NWN Role Player's guide which can be found at
this adress. In return, if players do RP their characters well, I'm more than willing to invest some extra time into the modules and add personal things for them.
Finally, how long will this take or am I willing to take it? The Vethboro Dragon Module is a very simple, short, but enjoyable module which will take about one session or two. Frankly, if I've enjoyed the Vethboro Dragon along with the characters, I am willing to try and run a small campaign which will simply feature various NWN modules, which I will DM. As something to remember, as some folks over at #massassi know, I'm already DMing a weekly campaign for five other players named 'Quest for Glory'. That QFG campaign is pretty open-ended, and I tend to work on it weekly to add new areas, new scripts, new NPCs and the like. Frankly, I have to put a lot of work into that. Meaning that while I'm willing to put some extra work into the Massassi Campaign, but I can't promise something large scale. However, if the players add something interesting to their character's background, I just might try and involve it into a module.
That's actually all. I do hope that there are some folks out there interested in being in a campaign, including those who thoughts that Neverwinter Nights wasn't that good. I, myself, disliked NWN with a passion once I had played a few hours in the official campaign and shelved it. Once I played a DMed game, I was sold to NWN and been playing it ever since. I get the most enjoyment out of NWN with DMed games, and I hope that I can introduce those who have yet to play one to it.
... so, how about it? Anyone interested?
Edit: A small notice... if you are interested, please post an initial idea of what kind of character you'd want to play. Race/Class/Gender and such, and perhaps a one or two-line background.
Oh, and if interested, I might create a small initial module which will cover how the party met up, but we could elaborate on that later.
(feel free to visit #massassi as well if you're interested. I tend to hang around there)
The answer is maybe.