I never said I wanted an assult rifle... what I want is correct justice for assult rifles. Some are banned simply because they were common weapons used in crime, while others were just as attainable, and weren't banned. The banning process was vague, and wasn't really all that considerate of the gun companies, and the actual effect the weapon had on crime, not just it's consistancy in crime.
And your logic on googling assult rifles proves my point in every respect: The AK-47 is not the only assult rifle in existance, at all. But as soon as you say the words, people instantly think of the AK-47. That's exactly what I meant by the ignorance of firearms.
And lastly, a shotgun, a handgun or a pistol is going to give you FAR more range, and power when going on some shooting of people. A killer wouldn't probably want to use a a high rof assult rifle due to it's high rate of fire, (obviously) wasting many bullets. Not to mention, a single bullet from even the AK-47 is unlikelly to kill you unless at close range, and well aimed. Assult rifles are for ASSULTS on a group, not MURDERS of a group. Assult rifles are used more in combat to simply hold lines and spray more cover bullets around at a higher speed than a shotgun or rifle. Otherwise, a high powered rifle is used for actually killing enemies.
Like I said, you people know nothing of guns (And I really don't know all that much either, to tell you the truth. But even with the little knowledge I have, I can tell most of you how sickeningly incorrect you are.) and shouldn't suggest a firearm ban until you've studied even remotly about the firearms you'd like to ban, just like the original framers for the former assult rifle ban.
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