Ok if that didn't catch your attention then I don't know what will.
I began playing World of Warcraft with some doubts. I, like jaiph, was a mmorpg addict without a game to be addicted to. Everquest was out of the question,Star Wars Galaxies is on hold until Jump to Lightspeed comes out, and I wouldn't try FF11 if I was being raped by a gang of burly men and their dog. My... 'expectations' of a mmorpg were this-
Not to much emphasis on group play
Not to much emphasis on group?
and did I mention Not to Much emphasis on group play?
Simply put, I was tired of games where I had to group to get past level 7.
World Of Warcraft quickly got my attention. Not to mention that it was set in the warcraft universe, the universe I grew up with, it ABSOLUTLEY DID NOT!!! have to much emphasis on group play.
I quickly signed up for the beta. Around two months later I didn't receive the letter. I cursed at the computer so much that day it would make my friends ole irish pirate mom look like a christian school. Rinse and Repeat for the following pushes.
I learned of the Eurobeta and signed up for that. I was beggining to lose hope of getting a taste of WoW before retail when I saw somthing alongthe lines of this-
'Sign Up for the World of Warcraft Stress Test Beta!
In order to evaluate World of Warcraft's account-creation process and server performance under heavy loads, Blizzard will be conducting a seven-day stress test beta in the days ahead. This test will require over 100,000 players to download the World of Warcraft stress test beta client, create an account, and log on to play when the test goes live!
To make the client available for download to such a large audience, we have partnered with FilePlanet, GameSpy's Web-based file-delivery service.
Users posting on our World of Warcraft Forums have identified some error messages that *certain* users may encounter with the Fileplanet *stress test* file. If you have been accepted into the stress test and are receiving an error stating that the archive is corrupt or that *no installer data could be found,* please see our Fileplanet Stress Test Issues thread for solutions. We will continue to post issues and solutions there as they are brought to our attention. Please note that these issues do not apply to current players in our continuing *beta test.*
I was Etstatic.
Flash forward around...three days.
I come home, from school, to find a certain email sitting in my inbox. I quickly create my account and start playing. In no ammount of words will I ever be able to tell the joy of logging onto the server.
I rolled my character, a human warlock.
As I played my warlock, I noticed somthing.
The classes are really made for their role. My pets were awesome tankers, and my warlock was a good caster. Nothing compared to the overpowerd mages.
It made the game all the more addicting.
WoW combat is the same...but yet, different. It is fast paced, and not all boring. It isn't 'cast spell of the 1337ne33 t0 ki33 t3h m0n35er3' its ' cast shadow bolt, cast immolate run away use dagger run away cast shadow bolt, cast fear, run away.'
The quests area however, I was dissapointed. Not to much, but it could have been better. There were excellent quests also. In the newbie human area, I quickly got caught up between three waring farm familys. Two of the familys children were in love with eachother. Yeah. The quests were'nt as whats the word...Invigorating as blizzard made them out to be.
Walking didn't take long. End of story.
I love its travel system, Hippogryph, zeppelin,Gryphon,Boat,Bat,Wind Rider.
Overall the gameplay is simply awesome 10/10
This area leaves much to be desired. In the beggining, my sound in game shorted out, and with my speakers all cranked up, and all the sound options cranked up, could not hear anything. Short music zone tracks, no music zone tracks, same sounds for a bunch of monsters. Basically no jumping sound,no running sound, and no walking sound.
This area is also lacking. Not as much as sound but still is. It is AWESOME for a animated game, im serious. But it looks like they took the models out of warcraft3, made them more 3d, upclose, and as if they had been raped by a gang of burly men and their dog. It is lacking in polygons, and areas would give me lag when loading the graphics. Major lag. As in 'omgwtfbbq, my character got raped by three gnolls, and a wolf.' lag. The graphics do not even come close to HL2 and DooM 3.
Replay value.
If this game doesn't have any replay value, I dont know what does. You have, Warlock,hunter,priest,mage,warrior,shaman,druid,paladin,rouge.
It has, Human,orc,troll,tauren,undead,gnome,dwarf,nightelf.
It has addictive pvp and pve.
You can do so many things with talent points, it's not funny.
You can reroll again, and say...focus on the ice tree instead of the fire tree. Or only do melee. Or only do spells. Or do nothing except craft leather and armor. Or dance. Did I mention the dancing? The dancing is hilarious.
WoW Is not done yet. It feels like it's done but it isn't. As one of my fellow beta testers said 'They could release the game now, and it would still be awesome'
WoW Receives a 9/10.
side notes: I played WoW Starting out, thinking this game was going to be another everquest. I truly did, but I was quickly proved wrong.
Ok if that didn't catch your attention then I don't know what will.
I began playing World of Warcraft with some doubts. I, like jaiph, was a mmorpg addict without a game to be addicted to. Everquest was out of the question,Star Wars Galaxies is on hold until Jump to Lightspeed comes out, and I wouldn't try FF11 if I was being raped by a gang of burly men and their dog. My... 'expectations' of a mmorpg were this-
Not to much emphasis on group play
Not to much emphasis on group?
and did I mention Not to Much emphasis on group play?
Simply put, I was tired of games where I had to group to get past level 7.
World Of Warcraft quickly got my attention. Not to mention that it was set in the warcraft universe, the universe I grew up with, it ABSOLUTLEY DID NOT!!! have to much emphasis on group play.
I quickly signed up for the beta. Around two months later I didn't receive the letter. I cursed at the computer so much that day it would make my friends ole irish pirate mom look like a christian school. Rinse and Repeat for the following pushes.
I learned of the Eurobeta and signed up for that. I was beggining to lose hope of getting a taste of WoW before retail when I saw somthing alongthe lines of this-
'Sign Up for the World of Warcraft Stress Test Beta!
In order to evaluate World of Warcraft's account-creation process and server performance under heavy loads, Blizzard will be conducting a seven-day stress test beta in the days ahead. This test will require over 100,000 players to download the World of Warcraft stress test beta client, create an account, and log on to play when the test goes live!
To make the client available for download to such a large audience, we have partnered with FilePlanet, GameSpy's Web-based file-delivery service.
Users posting on our World of Warcraft Forums have identified some error messages that *certain* users may encounter with the Fileplanet *stress test* file. If you have been accepted into the stress test and are receiving an error stating that the archive is corrupt or that *no installer data could be found,* please see our Fileplanet Stress Test Issues thread for solutions. We will continue to post issues and solutions there as they are brought to our attention. Please note that these issues do not apply to current players in our continuing *beta test.*
I was Etstatic.
Flash forward around...three days.
I come home, from school, to find a certain email sitting in my inbox. I quickly create my account and start playing. In no ammount of words will I ever be able to tell the joy of logging onto the server.
I rolled my character, a human warlock.
As I played my warlock, I noticed somthing.
The classes are really made for their role. My pets were awesome tankers, and my warlock was a good caster. Nothing compared to the overpowerd mages.
It made the game all the more addicting.
WoW combat is the same...but yet, different. It is fast paced, and not all boring. It isn't 'cast spell of the 1337ne33 t0 ki33 t3h m0n35er3' its ' cast shadow bolt, cast immolate run away use dagger run away cast shadow bolt, cast fear, run away.'
The quests area however, I was dissapointed. Not to much, but it could have been better. There were excellent quests also. In the newbie human area, I quickly got caught up between three waring farm familys. Two of the familys children were in love with eachother. Yeah. The quests were'nt as whats the word...Invigorating as blizzard made them out to be.
Walking didn't take long. End of story.
I love its travel system, Hippogryph, zeppelin,Gryphon,Boat,Bat,Wind Rider.
Overall the gameplay is simply awesome 10/10
This area leaves much to be desired. In the beggining, my sound in game shorted out, and with my speakers all cranked up, and all the sound options cranked up, could not hear anything. Short music zone tracks, no music zone tracks, same sounds for a bunch of monsters. Basically no jumping sound,no running sound, and no walking sound.
This area is also lacking. Not as much as sound but still is. It is AWESOME for a animated game, im serious. But it looks like they took the models out of warcraft3, made them more 3d, upclose, and as if they had been raped by a gang of burly men and their dog. It is lacking in polygons, and areas would give me lag when loading the graphics. Major lag. As in 'omgwtfbbq, my character got raped by three gnolls, and a wolf.' lag. The graphics do not even come close to HL2 and DooM 3.
Replay value.
If this game doesn't have any replay value, I dont know what does. You have, Warlock,hunter,priest,mage,warrior,shaman,druid,paladin,rouge.
It has, Human,orc,troll,tauren,undead,gnome,dwarf,nightelf.
It has addictive pvp and pve.
You can do so many things with talent points, it's not funny.
You can reroll again, and say...focus on the ice tree instead of the fire tree. Or only do melee. Or only do spells. Or do nothing except craft leather and armor. Or dance. Did I mention the dancing? The dancing is hilarious.
WoW Is not done yet. It feels like it's done but it isn't. As one of my fellow beta testers said 'They could release the game now, and it would still be awesome'
WoW Receives a 9/10.
side notes: I played WoW Starting out, thinking this game was going to be another everquest. I truly did, but I was quickly proved wrong.