"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
Wrong-o. Telesyncs are bootleg copies with their video caught by camera, but their audio comes from an external source. (Most get it from attatching an Aux cable into the camera from the seats that have hearing impaired ports for headphones). Usually, teleysncs are unwatchable unless it's a regular movie like a comedy or drama. Action scenes get suckage in telesyncs. (there have been a few exceptions though. Spiderman 2 had a realllly good telesync). Also, it depends on the screener. Most recently, most have become telecines, which is video caught directly from reel. The audio is usually acceptable to most bootleggers, but the video varies. The first Return of the King Telecine was very very good. But yes, many times, screeners are really good DVD rips. Like, many bootleggers become happy around January/February when Oscar Screener DVDs come out.
Don't ask me how I know this...:shift-eyes:
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"