Started walking the girls to the Union, we'd been drinking for 3 hours before hand. I fell down the stairs (much to the amusement of everyone) and my ankle made the sound of a stretchy leather wallet, basically, it made a nasty fleshy clicking crunching sound, think I sprained it. Still hurts to walk.
Injured myself in many many other ways by basically being stupid. ie, landed on my arse from a 4 ft jump!? ugh.
And best of all, this is the bit I'm actually proud of, sent a text message to my ex gf (whom I still love) and basically said:
"No more s**t, it ends now. I'm not as stupid as you think, neither you or Suzi give a flying **** about me, never did. But I did care, and I've wasted 4 months of my life on the both of you. Swear back all you want tonight I wont feel bad, but in the morning it will"
But overall, Uni is annoying me. Once a week I drink like this, and for the next 2 days I can hardly breath, walk, speak or eat. And everyone else somehow seems immune.
Screw drinking games and peer pressure, I'm staying on the water and Tea.
Who else gets a little annoyed at this type of drunken culture, in which you fit in, or you be labelled "a sad g*t"?
Even the mightiest of men are crippled by love.
[This message has been edited by clan ruthervain (edited December 13, 2003).]
Injured myself in many many other ways by basically being stupid. ie, landed on my arse from a 4 ft jump!? ugh.
And best of all, this is the bit I'm actually proud of, sent a text message to my ex gf (whom I still love) and basically said:
"No more s**t, it ends now. I'm not as stupid as you think, neither you or Suzi give a flying **** about me, never did. But I did care, and I've wasted 4 months of my life on the both of you. Swear back all you want tonight I wont feel bad, but in the morning it will"
But overall, Uni is annoying me. Once a week I drink like this, and for the next 2 days I can hardly breath, walk, speak or eat. And everyone else somehow seems immune.
Screw drinking games and peer pressure, I'm staying on the water and Tea.
Who else gets a little annoyed at this type of drunken culture, in which you fit in, or you be labelled "a sad g*t"?
Even the mightiest of men are crippled by love.
[This message has been edited by clan ruthervain (edited December 13, 2003).]
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){ do her} elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){ do other babe} else{ do a dude}