In order to help young n00bs in the online gaming realm, I've decided to make a Table of 1337, where we will have the 1337 expression, followed by the real meaning. I assume I'll be composing in my free time (whenever that is). They way it will work is this: you write the 1337ism, and the definition. I will add it to the dictionary, etc. If you guys think its cool, let me know, otherwise I'll stop here...
NOTE: There are currently none in the database, just so there's no surprised like, "I already got that one." I think I might include quoting with it in "Definition supplied by Gonk" or maybe make sample sentences?
NOTE: There are currently none in the database, just so there's no surprised like, "I already got that one." I think I might include quoting with it in "Definition supplied by Gonk" or maybe make sample sentences?
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."