Once again I learned the perils of counting my chickens before they hatch.
Was starting to looking forward to ADSL after being stuck on 56k modem for seemingly decades....wait not seemingly, literally.
After what seems like forever the price of broadband in Australia is finally coming down to affordable levels after Telstra (our friendly local govt endorsed telecommunications monopoly) did it's best to keep us in the stone age indefinitely. So naturally I jumped on it and signed up with an ISP, not Telstra...directly....but hey, all the isps have to go through Telstra since they own all the lines.
Anyway, just found out I'm likely too far from the telephone exchange to get ADSL. You see, Telstra does everything half assed....including the quality of our telephone lines and number of exchanges. Living in the middle of Cairns, not a huge city but big-a-frickin-nuff, I certainly never thought living too far from an exchange would be an issue. In a non-Telstra world it probably wouldn't be.
Still awaiting a final linecheck, but I'm not optimistic as everything remotely associated with Telstra in this country is one big cluster****.
Was starting to looking forward to ADSL after being stuck on 56k modem for seemingly decades....wait not seemingly, literally.
After what seems like forever the price of broadband in Australia is finally coming down to affordable levels after Telstra (our friendly local govt endorsed telecommunications monopoly) did it's best to keep us in the stone age indefinitely. So naturally I jumped on it and signed up with an ISP, not Telstra...directly....but hey, all the isps have to go through Telstra since they own all the lines.
Anyway, just found out I'm likely too far from the telephone exchange to get ADSL. You see, Telstra does everything half assed....including the quality of our telephone lines and number of exchanges. Living in the middle of Cairns, not a huge city but big-a-frickin-nuff, I certainly never thought living too far from an exchange would be an issue. In a non-Telstra world it probably wouldn't be.
Still awaiting a final linecheck, but I'm not optimistic as everything remotely associated with Telstra in this country is one big cluster****.