A warm welcome to you, Yoshi. This forum is like no other... And the people aren't kidding about your soul, either... I think I'll be leaving for good after I recover the last soul that was stolen from my collection when I entered. I feel sorry for all the other people that have only their own souls in their possession; they usually are stuck here forever, as their lives spiral down into the abyss, and they flail helplessly against this obscure portion of society that traps them.
Oh, and be warned: this forum is where the geeks really lurk. Watch out for threads on debates going nowehere, polls on complete nonesense, bizzare pictures (courtesy of Adobe Photoshop, among other programs), and posting (really ugly) pictures of each other, among other "post your..." threads.
On the plus side, Massassi is possibly one of the best sources of "friends who know these things". Don't be afraid to post a topic asking a question; while 60% of the responses will be derogatory, don't worry; most of those posts will be edited by the administrators into rather embarrasing comments about the poster, and the other 40% of the replies will be helpful to varrying degrees, depending on how close the subject is to each of our specialties.
Perhaps we should post them, so that everyone can know who to ask about what...
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...