Interesting... I went to Mystic's site, and it said I needed binaries. It then gave a link which took me to Emon's site. Now, I don't mind installing two files, for example a binary and the actual compiler. However, when I went to the "downloads" section of the second site, I found this. Seriously, I wouldn't make this up.
I apologize for the amount of scrolling it takes to get past that.
You know, in my original post I honestly thought I was way over-exaggerating by saying "173 different files". There was no way, or so I thought then, that there could possibly be that many files to install.
Yes, I realize that I don't need all these files. In fact, there are probably only one or 2 that I need to download. But notice how helpful they are when you try to figure out which files you need... lets see... first off we have the "candidate" files. So I guess these are the files for George Bush and Jorn Kerry. Hopefully they know the difference between "GCC" and "GCC-3.4"; I'm sure it's very important.
Next, we have the "current" files. I suppose these are the ones that are newer than the "previous" files. Uh oh, here's the mysterious "GCC" again. Then we have a bunch of files referring to "MSYS". Perhaps something to do with a system? Who knows! After this, note the "MinGW Runtime", "MinGW Utilities", and "MinGW" files. So if you take just the plain MinGW file, does it come with the other ones? Nobody will ever know...
Now we come to something called "TclTk". God only knows what that is... Oh, look, "Windows API". Interesting. But I am looking for binary files. Moving on, we come to "binutils". Could this be it? We check the different files that are available: "other", "diff", "src", "bin", "bin", and "other". Yes, there are two "bin"s and two "other"s. Interesting, we have a ".sh" file extension here, which breaks up the monotony of the ".gz"s, which are inevitably linux files.
Oh look, a section called "gdb". Reminds me of gbk. Then, we have the "make" files. I suppose that these are the files that "make me go insane" by the time I scroll down to them.
And now we have copies of all the same files, except slightly older, in the "Previous" section. If they are so previous, why don't they take them off the server? After that is the "proposed" files. I guess these ones are the ones that don't exist yet; they are just ideas.
Last, but not least, we come to the "snapshot" section. So are these the ones where they printed out all the files and took pictures of them? Strange... Ooh, look, snapshots of bison! And... OMG it's actually a file extension that's recognized by Windows! Wait a minute, pictures aren't in .exe format! Darn it, I thought I had something there.
NOW, can anybody help me find a generic command line C compiler, FOR WINDOWS, that is contained in a single .exe file so I can download it all at once and have it install automatically? Please? I'm begging you guys, you're my only hope.