This game is awesome. It looks surprisingly better in motion than it does in screenshots, and it's fun as hell.
The technique they use on the graphics looks really nice. It's blurred or something... I can't explain it, but the end result looks really good.
It controls similar to a console game, which in this case isn't much of a bad thing. It makes it simple and easy to get used to.
The singleplayer campaign is rather bland (much like BF1942), but it's still fun to play with. A nice touch they used is that, before each historical battle, is a clip from the movies. Doesn't add anything to the gameplay, but it's still a nice touch.
But Galactic Conquest is awesome. You choose a side, and then proceed to try to take over the galaxy, one planet at a time. And you gain bonuses from planets you already control.
Now, a few complaints.
For one, and most noticeable is the load screens. It starts as a view of the galaxy, then zooms in on a planet, zooms in on a portion of land, then finally zooms in on the battlefield the map takes place on. This is a pretty cool effect, except for the fact that you have to wait for it every time a map loads. In my case, the maps are loaded long before the load screen is done. Thankfully it's only for a couple of seconds, but it's still mildly frustrating.
Secondly, lack of weapon models. Again, this isn't a major problem (it's barely even noticeable), but it's annoying. What I mean is, some weapons recycle the same model. For example, the clonepilot shockrifle shares the same weapon model as the clonetrooper blaster rifle, and the darktrooper blastcannon looks like an E-11. meanwhile, most of the grenade/rocket launchers recycle the same 2 or 3 models. It's not much of a big deal, and I'm sure it will be eventually fixed in a patch/mod/expansion, but it's still annoying.
My third complaint is the fire sound for the E-11. It sounds nothing like it should. Again, minor problem, but in JK/JA/JO/whatever other game has an E-11, they all sound relatively the same, but the one in battlefront is completely different.
Anyways, those last three complaints were mostly cosmetic. They don't really affect the game much, so it's not a big deal. However...
I can't seem to find Galactic Conquest for MP. How could they leave that out? I mean, seriously, the coolest part of the game is left out of MP. Unless it's hidden somewhere and I'm unable to find it...
Overall, the game's worth it, for the most part. It's not OMGAMAZINGHL2DOOM3KILLAR!!111, but it's entertaining. I'm glad I bought it. And if anyone finds galactic conquest for MP, by all means, LET ME KNOW.
That is all.