Obviously you haven't read very much Zell. Several have stated it's boring, nonsensical. People are just choosing to pick on the people who do. First SAJN, who wasn't rude, or insulting, but simply gave his opinion, and then was treated rudely and insulted for it.
Whereas SAJN was polite, the response wasn't.
Kirby was similarily received, as I imagine I will be, since this seems to be becoming a "get on the bandwagon or die!" type thing.
1. Well, it's the second. As for new and fresh, didn't seem so.
2. Story? Didn't see much in the way of that. Sorry.
3. Horror? It was supposed to be scary in there somewhere? I don't find anything scary about walking through long empty hallways with the occasional creaking sound.
Ok, so what about the level? Well, it didn't seem very original. The first things I saw of this a year or so ago, seemed almost copied right off that Disney "Alien Attack" ride (or whatever it's called... the one with the alien in the tube which suddenly gets free. The intro did nothing to change that. Replace Excess Inc. with Umbrella Corporation, and it's almost the exact beginning of the Resident Evil movie. Hell, even half the premise is the same. Being sent into the abandoned lab to retrieve info on what's happened, while not being told what's "really" going on there. Zombies to aliens, and it's seems rather similar. Themes seem to be generally borrowed for this.
As for the architecture, arrangement of the lab, it was rather boring and nonsensical. First off, humans prefer linearity. That means, easy, simplified arrangements. A grid, or some sort of overall regular polygon arrangement in general. Second, think about how buildings you've actually seen. Hallways are interconnected, easy to navigate. Doors have purposes. Think about what these people do. What kind of rooms there'd be. Where do they sleep? Where do they eat? Where do they go to the bathroom? For that matter, where do they keep the janitorial supplies? Maintenance supplies? And so on and so forth. It always makes me laugh to see these imperial base levels, and there's nowhere for the troops to sleep, eat, or even take a leak.
For an example, the first level. The only way to navigate it is to take vents, major drops, broken open holes. So what if power is tripped? Who would create a building, where every door basically locks you in, and you can't move anywhere? It'd basically just lock everyone into small rooms to starve to death. Unless they were just lucky enough to have someone at the breakers, or somewhere they were able to get to them.
The lighting could've used improvements. There were bugs which could've been fixed.
The ladder at the beginning annoyed me. It wouldn't have been hard to make it useable. All in all, it was very boring, and not in the slightest scary or even creepy. For those who thought it did, well, I imagine you'd get just as easily scared by turning out the lights and sitting in the dark. Trying to focus it on story is fine... if you actually give a story, and one that halfway makes sense. "He walks down a pointless hallway, knowing only that he has to set off the power breakers put in some unguessable place in this "Lab" without labaratories or any real rooms. He climbs up on top of something to climb into the vent. He crawls through the vent to get to another hallway. He walk around, crawls through some glass. He continues walking." Anyone else bored yet? Yet this is your "story" for several minutes. It's repetitive, it's boring.
Very unusual idea, but not a good one. Yes, I understand it's his opinion, but I can state that it isn't good. Why? Well, take a look at other good games. They quite simply prove it's incorrect. Half-Life for example. You don't start out killing stuff with a gun. Nope. If I remember correctly, you're having to evade death before you're even armed. And then, your first weaon for killing stuff: a crowbar. Can't have a gun till you know you're in danger? Well, didn't seem to know you were in danger in HL. Actually, you didn't seem to know what the hell was going on. I don't remember being lost. Problem was, you get cut off from that "front door". And even walking along, I never really felt lost, even going into new, unseen areas. The paths seemed generally linear. You crept along, facing unknown dangers. But dangers you knew existed. It kept you on your guard, and with reason, you were in danger. You could actually get hurt. For example, walking into the tongue of one of the ceiling clutching creatures. First time I did, I was caught off guard. If I'd been walking through a bunch of empty corridors and halls though, I would've been bored, not even interested. It may have been a nice tour, but, yeah, not good for a game. Heh, actually, in your level, I was almost given hope by the swaying things... I thought maybe something like those in HL for a split second, but was then disappointed when I saw they were meaningless and sillly decorations. I wasn't ever "lost". I could've retraced my steps if it weren't for the physical impossibilities. (i.e. falls)
For an example, a much simpler, easier, nicer, and altogether way for the plot to go. They get to the lab, they go in through the front door. See a puddle of blood a ways in front of them at a T-intersection. There's a basic pistol laying next to the blood, and a bloody badge. As they go up to examine it, they trigger the security system, and a massive steel door comes down behind them, trapping them in. Or part of the roof behind them collapses. They go for a ways along abandoned halls, with various marks of blood and fighting, empty rooms with scattered items, blood where a human had been. Half-eaten food, unfinished documents, personal items still set out. They continue on until they find experimentational areas and begin to see pieces of what happened, though they still don't know. They hear shots fired in the distance, followed by a scream, and then a crunch and a wet gurgling sound. Maybe they even see the light of the gun being fired. They come up to find only blood, maybe some smoke in the air.
This was just something short, but would be far more involving, interesting, and "scary". More dramatic. Something far more suited for creating a horror feel.
Yes, completely ignore constructive criticism and only blind yourself to it, believing you're perfect, ignoring any valid points. Yes, do so and never get any better. For 2 years, I would expected far better. Despite what you've said, you've clearly come here expecting to be blindly crazed. Even with the most polite and appropriate criticism, you become rude and defensive. I'll openly state I'm not going to praise something not worthy of it. And this simply doesn't. From some of the other things you've shown for Laboratory, and even somewhat from your other levels, this could have great potential. However, you have nowhere near lived up to that potential. I sincerely hope you do by the time you're done. But for some reason I doubt that.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come